Is there anyone on Zoloft?

Is there anyone on Zoloft for anxiety/slight depression/hormonal changes? My pcp just put me on it today. How long before you notice the effects and did it change you appetite for the better or worst? Any info would be greatly appreciated.    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 17, 2001)

May 17, 2001
Hi. I'm on Zoloft. I've been taking it for almost 4 years now, so I can't remember how long it took before I noticed any effects. But I think they say a few weeks. I guess it also depends on the individual. I have to say, it really works great, for me at least. I have depression & generalized anxiety for which the Zoloft AND counseling have helped greatly. Counseling might be a good thing for you as well. As for appetite, I remember my counselor saying that alot of people eat when they're depressed or anxious. Since Zoloft relieves depresion & anxiety, technically you should have less of a drive to eat. Give the Zoloft a try. If it's not helping you, your Dr. will try something else. Incidentally, Zoloft does come in a liquid form for those of you going into surgery. The pills are tiny but I thought I'd mention about the liquid.
   — lalasmommy

May 17, 2001
I was on Zoloft for about four years. I think that my case is unsusal because about an hour after taking it I felt a warm wave which was the drug starting to work. I attribute this to the fact that I was extremely depressed prior to taking the drug to the point that I didn't want to live and even getting up from the chair and going to the bathroom was a chore. Also, when I began taking the Zoloft I lost weight because I felt so much better. But after about two weeks I was back to my old eating habits and previous weight. I guess what I am saying is that it could take weeks before you feel the full effect and every body is different. Let your doctor know how you are feeling. I couldn't imagine life without it or without a similar type of drug.
   — Joanne H.

May 17, 2001
I've been on Zoloft for the past 2 and a half years. I, too, felt some good effects within the first few days. Since I am always afraid of side effects, I began by cutting the tablets in half to be sure I wouldn't have any untoward effects. Anyway, it has done much to mellow me out. It has done nothing for weight loss. In fact I'm bigger now than I've ever been in my life. I just don't care as much about it. The biggest result has been the release from the constant anger I guess I always felt. I thought it was depression, but, it appears to have been anger. I do find that I am somewhat distant and uninvolved in my life sometimes - almost lah-dee-dah ish - as if I just don't care. When I go off the Zoloft however, the tearful, jealous, Wicked Witch of the West returns - so- I tolerate not being as sharp as I was.
   — permco2

May 17, 2001
I am 7 weeks post op. I have been on 50 mg Zoloft for 2 years. I remember feeling better very soon after starting the medication. I was slightly depressed, chronic pain, and attacks of anger that scared me. I went off of it for about 5 days during surgery without any trouble. But, my doctor recommended that I stay on it through my recovery period due to all the changes that I would be going through. In th epast 2 years I have taken myself off for up to a week. I really nitice the anger slip right back into my life. I have decided that a low dose works for me and why bother changing it right now. A good doctor that has known you for a while should be ably to clearly see what is happening in your life and0 your need for medu=ication.
   — smummert

May 17, 2001
I have been on zoloft for over a yr now due to depression and panic attacks, it really works for me, it took a few days to notice the change but it had helped.
   — Tricia B.

May 17, 2001
I have been on Zoloft for over 5 years following a complete hysterectomy. As soon as my body got the full effect of the estrogen replacement, I started having terrible mood swings (like PMS times 1000) and insomnia. As soon as I started taking the Zoloft all symptoms left. Every time I have tried to stop taking it (don't like to be dependant on meds)they would return with a vengence. I didn't have any problem stopping taking it during my surgery because I wasn't off it long enough for my level to go down a lot. However, when I hit about the 50 pound loss mark, it was suddenly as if I WEREN'T taking Zoloft anymore. After about a week of driving my husband crazy I went to my wonderful doctor. He uped to dose from 50 to 100 mg. and everything smoothed right back out. I have heard that it is because fat cells store estrogen and when we are losing the fat, a lot of the extra estrogen is released into our bodies. Don't know........but it makes sence to me. All I know is that as long as I take my Estrace and Zoloft together, life is wonderful. A side note: I was able to get off 8 other meds after my WLS including blood pressure meds and lot of asthsma drugs.
   — livnliter

May 18, 2001
I started Zoloft about eight years ago when it was fairly new. I noticed the effects the next day. It was the best legal drug I'd ever been on. No other antidepressant effected me as quickly or as strongly. It can be very effective for treating depression but here are some warnings. First of all, I gained 80 pounds while taking Zoloft. The doctors think I'm crazy but there are other people on this site who have also had incredible weight gain from the antidepressant. I thought I was eating better and it certainly seemed to lessen my appetite, but the facts are there, I was never obese before I started Zoloft. Another thing, it is a killer to come off. Withdrawl is tough and done properly takes a long time. It's also common for doctors to continue to increase the levels whether more of the drug is effective or not. Antidepressants can do great things, but they have many side effects that are not know or well researched. The best thing you can do is pay attention to your own body. Don't take for granted anything they tell you. If it isn't working fairly quickly, it's probably not going to and you may need another drug. I know all the doctors say to give it time, I think they're wrong. If it's going to be effective, you'll feel it within a few days. Also be aware of your weight, if you see it start to rise, no matter how good you feel or how much you think you're eating right, tell your doctor. It's very possible that the weight gain is caused solely by the drug and doctors need to know it's happening. Good luck. Stepping off soap box.
   — kcanges

May 18, 2001
I have been on Zoloft for over 5 years following a complete hysterectomy. As soon as my body got the full effect of the estrogen replacement, I started having terrible mood swings (like PMS times 1000) and insomnia. As soon as I started taking the Zoloft all symptoms left. Every time I have tried to stop taking it (don't like to be dependant on meds)they would return with a vengence. I didn't have any problem stopping taking it during my surgery because I wasn't off it long enough for my level to go down a lot. However, when I hit about the 50 pound loss mark, it was suddenly as if I WEREN'T taking Zoloft anymore. After about a week of driving my husband crazy I went to my wonderful doctor. He uped to dose from 50 to 100 mg. and everything smoothed right back out. I have heard that it is because fat cells store estrogen and when we are losing the fat, a lot of the extra estrogen is released into our bodies. Don't know........but it makes sence to me. All I know is that as long as I take my Estrace and Zoloft together, life is wonderful. A side note: I was able to get off 8 other meds after my WLS including blood pressure meds and lot of asthsma drugs.
   — livnliter

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