can you take pills, capsules, etc. after surgery?

I know you are allowed to take tylenol. I have even read that some of 'you' (hopefully me soon!) take liquid tylenol but is that only after surgery? Does anyone take tylenol capsules or pills now? How about vitamin pills? The multivitamin pill I take now is a HORSE PILL, can't imagine taking it postop but just curious as to what you guys take and what form you take it in.    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 16, 2001)

May 16, 2001
I take a ton of pills. I don't chew pills. Yuck. I take whatever I need to take. Now, the first month or so, no, that was a little harder to do. But now, no problem. My multi's a pretty big, my Hair, Skin, Nails are fairly large. I don't care. I take one pill at a time, though, I don't toss back a handful. Never could do that.
   — vitalady

May 16, 2001
Following my RNY, I resumed taking tablet and capsule medications the day after surgery without any problem. The only exception that the surgeon made to this was to order Flintstone Chewable vitamins with iron for the first 3 weeks post-op. After that, I was told that I could take any vitamin of my choice and I have been taking Centrum (a fairly large tablet) ever since. I was told to take Tylenol or Extra-strength Tylenol for any mild-to-moderate pain needs, and to discontinue the use of all products containing aspirin or ibuprofen because of their tendency to irritate/inflame the stomach lining. I was never instructed to take liquid medications or to crush tablets. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

May 17, 2001
I am one week post-op. They gave me a handful of pills in the hospital. I was so uncomfortable when I took them one at a time because all the extra water filled my pouch. I take several of them at a time with as little water as possible and then follow slowly with more water. If you don't have trouble swallowing pre-op, you will be fine post-op.
   — Lindsey G.

May 17, 2001
I was taking vicoden before I left the hospital. I now take a daily perscribed multivitamin. I absorb it fine..labs are normal. No problems. Open DS 10/99
   — [Deactivated Member]

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