Sudden abdominal pain 6 weeks post op
Yesterday morning I was eating breakfast (1/2 cup cheerios, 1/8 cup lactaid milk) when suddenly I had a severe gastric attack. The pain was so intense and in my middle abdominal area. Nothing on left or right side or toward the back, just all centered below the pouch. It caused vomiting, and cold sweats. Had bowel movements, but not diarrhea. There was no fever. For the rest of the day, I was very sore, like being punched in the gut, and refrained from eating or drinking til about 8 pm. I did try a few sips of water during the day which caused immediate cramping pain. For dinner, I had a little chicken and triscuits, which seemed to feel ok, but later a few more sips of water, which still caused the cramping pain. Stretched out laying down in recliner seems to give some relief, but sitting up is bringing the cramping on again. Very intense. Waiting for answer from surgeon. Don't know if I should wait it out or go to ER. I suspect bowel obstruction due to adhesions. Any thoughts? — danirat (posted on May 11, 2001)
May 11, 2001
I had the same experience after eating graham crackers. Maybe it's the
fiber, since the grahams have a similar texture as cheerios? Needless to
say, I stay clear of them these days. I figured that's what I've heard
called dumping syndrome. If it doesn't go away, definitely follow up with
your surgeon and let us know how it goes.
— Amy K.
May 11, 2001
Please check this out with your doctor. I had RYN in June of 1999. Just
two months ago, I developed a bowel obstruction. The symtoms started about
a week before my episode. I felt sort of nauseous some of the time, and my
bowels changed somewhat (kind of constipated). The day it happened, I had
diariah in the morning, and thought I was having a gas attack. Then I
tried to go or at least pass gas and I couldn't. By about 5pm, I had to be
rushed to the hospital and had emergency surgery. When I look back, about
6 months prior, I had the same type of attack, but it just went away by
itself. So, I suggest you see your doctor to see if there is anything
he/she can do to prevent this or at least diagnose it. Good luck!!
— miles B.
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