How long after surgery do they wake you up the first time?

I think I read somewhere that they wake you up immediately, even though you may not remember it. How long before they try to make you stay awake?    — Donna H. (posted on April 12, 2001)

April 12, 2001
Hi Donna~ I'm 10 days post-op Lap RNY, and here is what I remember. I know my surgery ended at 1:15p and I was back to my room at around 3:00. They did make me wake up and cough in recovery when they extubated me, (I DO remember THAT!), and then I woke up on my own in recovery when they put the cool mist mask on my face after extubation. After that, I remember nothing until I was in my room with my family. They woke me up at that point and made me stay awake. Made me get busy with the incentive spirometer and other things to clear my head. It wasn't so bad. It's still fresh in my mind, and I gotta' tell you.... it wasn't so bad. Good luck and Best Wishes!
   — Laurie L.

April 12, 2001
I have no memory from the time they put the initial IV in my arm to waking up in my room about 7 hours later. I have to "DITTO" Judy, once I woke up, I was awake all night. That had to be the longest night of my life.
   — smummert

April 12, 2001
i am only 3 days post op and remember all this very well. i remember being spoken to in the operating room. i had already been transferred to a recovery bed. i was able to speak and recognize my surgeon, who thankfully told me everything went perfectly. i was in recovery for 4 hours, but that was because they didn't have a room for me yet. during recovery, they checked on me almost constantly, but i did doze a little. i asked for mouth swabs for my extremely dry mouth and was brought them immediatley. my family was allowed in, since i didn't have a room yet. normally they don't allow visitors into recovery room.
   — melanie S.

April 12, 2001
After surgery, they take you to the recovery room where you are monitored. There will probably be other patients in there too, but you may be unaware of them. The nurses are checking you and your vitals pretty much constantly. They don't really 'wake you' so much, as watch you as you come out from the anesthesia and then they will talk to you. When they are satisfied with your condition, you are taken to your room. Some people wake up faster than others. I had no pain when I awoke and I didn't have a catheter or a tube in my nose (this was unusual according to the nurses). I suppose they removed it in the operating room. I don't remember being put to sleep this time. All I remember was the two anesthesiologists talking to me in the operating room as they were getting ready and promising to take good care of me (which they did). With one surgery, I remember them asking me to count backwards from 100. I think I got to 99. Don't worry, there's nothing you have to do - so just lay back and enjoy the show.
   — Cindy H.

April 12, 2001
I remember waking up and seeing my sister and my mom (shocker since they dont talk). I remember being shocked too! LOL Anyway, it kinda felt like someone stabbed me in my side. They didnt give me my morphine because they said my passages werent opened up enough and I wasnt breathing well. They stuck a straw like tube down my throat to open up my passages and then gave me the morphine (Thank you Jesus) I slept then. Next thing I remember was transfering into the bed in my room. OUCH! (All I said was "You expect me to do it???" The nurse replied "YEP!" Turns out that I have enlarged tonsils and need them removed. Otherwise, I never wouldve felt that pain as they wouldve admnistered the morphine earlier.
   — Jeannet

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