Wanting info on Cigna HMO (specifically St. Louis). I'm nervously waiting!!

I need to know if anyone out there has any experience with Cigna HIM (specifically St. Louis). The prgram I'm working through has sent a letter, but I'm nervous and want to know other's experiences with this insurer.    — Deafwriter (posted on March 26, 2001)

February 10, 2002
I also live in St Louis. I am in the process of FIGHT Cigna they dont think or even READ all your documents BEFORE they play GOD and turn you down WELL HONEY FIGHT BACK I AM, I am tired off Insurance companys that do nothing but collect your premuims but when you want something you have to BEG & PLEED I AM GOING TO FIGHT TO THE END and hope you do too
   — Kim P.

February 11, 2002
<p>Cigna HMO is the worst and from what I understand one of the more difficult insuracne companies to get approval from. I fought them nearly a year and finally won. If you need help with letters let me know.</p><p> Call them every week -- twice a week if you can. Stay on top of it so you don't get lost in the shuffle...</p>
   — lilmskitty

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