Does anyone get heart flutters?
hi to all, well dont you know here i am again in the same boat i was in. i'm starting to have those heart flutter's it feels like my heart is doing a back flip in my chest. had anyone experienced this? i have had a cardic clearance. they doctor's thinks it brought on by stress.DUH? well i have been stressin latley. my question is can someone tell me more do any of you have the same problem. i counted and in a 6 hour period. i happend 29 times.this has happend in the past right around the time of my first scheduled appt. for surgery. once it was cancelled the slow down and then every once in a while i would feel one again. but now there back... any suggestions would be great.. thanks [email protected] — enriqueta C. (posted on March 23, 2001)
March 22, 2001
Well,I'm certainly not a Doctor, BUT I had 'Palpatations' several years ago
that were brought on by stress and exhaustion. It took one PCP and Two
Cardiologists to figure that out! LOL! Anyway, my doc startd me on a new
blood pressure medicine and I stopped working 2 jobs and within one week
the palpatations stopped. If you have cardiac clearance, chances are, the
palpatations are nothing to worry about, BUT I know how horrible it feels!
Make your doctor LISTEN to your feelings and insist that he/she work with
you to eliminate this minor irritation from your life. It Can Be Done!
Best Wishes!
— Laurie L.
March 23, 2001
I've had palpatations alot too. I think mine were caused from my thyroid
& hormones being out of whack, because I'm back on my meds now &
don't seem to have them anymore. Coincidence? I don't know.
— Shari B.
March 23, 2001
Heck, yeah! I started them within the hour of getting my surgery date (10
days ago) and haven't gotten rid of them yet. I know its nerves, but like
you said, it is unnerving in itself. I haven't found a cure yet, but if I
do I'll get back to you. Meanwhile, my heartfelt sympathies. Mary
— [Anonymous]
March 23, 2001
you guys are wonderful...thanks for all the help
— enriqueta C.
March 23, 2001
Flutters are often caused by hormonal fluctuations; I get them the week
before my period. For years and years. Yes, stress is a cuplrit also... if
you got cardiac clearance, I would just cut out the caffeine and try
meditation and wiait for it to get better. But I hate them, too! so
— Veronica D.
March 24, 2001
You know what? I've had them for the past 3 years and it is due to
anxiety. I always believed there was somtheing wrong with my heart but
I've had EKG's and a 24hr heart halter monitor that shows all is normal.
Finally I realized that if I just take some deep breaths and relax, they
will go away. OF course, mine are more nervous related and I'm on
medication. If it gets really bad, ask your doctor about Buspar. However,
with your surgery approaching, it is completely normal to be nervous.
Things will be back to normal after it is all over with and you are on your
way to a slimmer and healthier you.
— Dawn R.
February 13, 2002
Your heart in a flutter could be all sorts of things, and you could still
get a clearence on your heart check up and have a heart mummer. I was in my
40's and the cardiologists found it. It's of no real concern though,
caffine makes my heart flutter and flip-flop more though.
— Jean B.
December 27, 2002
I too had heart flutters and they scared me to the point I started having
anxiety/panic attacks....then I went to the er and had EKGs and all was eventually I went to my doc and had lab work done and they found I
had thyroid disease. Heart fluttering is 1 of the symptoms of having an
'off' thyroid level.
Good luck
— Lisa Jean
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