Do I Need to take Zantac and gallbladder meds?
I am 9 days out post op, I had a Opne RNY and the Dr. sent me home with liquid Zantac...YUCK!! Is there a real purpose for this...because I never have had problem with heartburn or stomach upset. And she also sent me home with a compound medicine that is suppose to thin out my bile from my gallbladder, and this med is in a powder form...this is even doubly YUCK!!! I can not find a good way to take any of these meds without feeling ill before, during and after taking them. Did anyone ever NOT take their meds and healed fine?? Or does anyone have a suggestion on how to take these meds without having to tast them?? Please Help. — Kimberly N. (posted on March 21, 2001)
March 20, 2001
I, too, was sent home with liquid Zantac. I know it tastes horrible. I'm
pretty sure that it's important to take it because your stomach is getting
used to functioning differently. I remember the taste as being awful. You
might try using a teaspoon of yogurt as a chaser.
— Elizabeth B.
March 20, 2001
I can't comment on either of the meds you're taking, but my dr. (and from
what I read, many others) sent me home with Actigal for the gallbladder
issue. Maybe you can ask your dr if that might be a better's a
capsul, and I haven't noticed any taste to it.
— tlg6056
March 21, 2001
My doctor sent me home with effervescent Zantac tablets 150 mg. that you
dissolved in water. They too were horrible and nasty. I asked him if I
had to take them as I had no stomach problem in the past and was not having
one post -op. He said it was very very important because the old stomach
is making acid and especially at night it can be a problem. Ulcers could
result. Good News! he let me swith to 150mg tablets (they are really
small) 2x a day. He let me switch at 1 month post op. Now I have no
problem being compliant.
— claire C.
March 23, 2001
I came home with liquid Zantac, and yes it is awful, I take my 2
teaspoonfuls, and then grab a sugar free popcicle and the taste is gone by
the time the popcicle is.
— JazzBear111
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