Help!!! isurance want's psychologist eval. where can I look at one!!!! please help..

today i got a call from the insurance review board and there are requesting a psychologist evaluation. i dont know what to expect. does anyone know where i can see what one looks like. also is there anyone in sacramento that can refer me to a doctor that does these for wls. any input would be great.. thanks amos.. [email protected]    — enriqueta C. (posted on March 8, 2001)

March 8, 2001
You don't get to see a psych. evaluation. You are usually asked how long you've been overweight, why do you want this surgery,is your family supportive, what have you done to lose weight before. You will probably be asked how do you feel about your weight now,what problems has it caused etc...Each psyc. exam is different as it's done by different people. You are better off using someone who has dealt with eating disorders or obesity. They tend to ask the right questions and don't always get nervous about the answers. Especially since they have an understanding as to why most of us eat. Call your PCP or surgeon and ask if they use or can recommend anyone. My surgeon uses one person specifically as he knows what to look for to make sure mentally you are healthy. They also want to make sure you are committed to these life long changes. You'll also probably be asked if you've ever purged,are bulemic,anorexic,binged, suicidal(have ever been)if ever eating has lead to distructive behaviors:(ie:cutting). You'll do fine. Just be honest with yourself. You can actually gain some insight into how this affects you. Best of luck and continued success.
   — Linda M.

March 8, 2001
Hi! My insurance didn't require a psych eval, but my surgeon did. Enclosed in the surgery packet, was a letter to take to the psychiatrist with a list of questions that had to be answered by the psychiatrist in letter form and submitted to the surgeon prior to surgery. A standardized psychological test was also required which is just a bunch of simple questions, you the patient, answers. Here is the list of questions asked to the psychiatrist. .... 1. Does the patient appear to understand the commitment he/she is making by undergoing gastric bypass surgery? 2. Does the patient appear to have any disabilities that would prevent understanding and following directions? 3. Does the patient currently have an addictive disorder, such as alcoholism or drug abuse? 4. Does the patient appear to be willing to undergo major behavioral modification? 5. Are mechanisms present to foster development of suitable coping mechanisms? 6. Is the patient suicidal? 7. Does the patient appear to be sincere in his/her ability to take part in long-term follow-up and group therapy? 8. In your opinion, is there any reason why this patient should not undergo a procedure to limit his/her capacity for food and forced food aversion? 9. In you opinion, is the patient willing to comply with long term lifestyle changes? ...... Hope this helps answer you question!
   — Rachael R.

March 8, 2001
Thank you for posting your answer Rachael. My Psych. Eval. is Monday and I feel so much better having something concrete to think about. And thanks for asking the question so we could all benefit from the answer. :)
   — kcanges

March 8, 2001
it's great when people here get their questions answerd. your guys are great... thanks alot.
   — enriqueta C.

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