Will Being Anemic pose problems for someone having surgery??

I've been Anemic for as long as I can least 16 years now, and I'm curious to know if that will effect my surgery?? I know I should be taking Iron..but because it really caused me lots of grief in the way of constipation,I haven't taken it faithfully. Should I be concerned???    — Sherry B. (posted on March 8, 2001)

March 8, 2001
I was also anemic before surgery the doc had me on iron supplements until surgery time, and now of course, be forwarned you will have to take iron supplements the rest of your life after wls, I am now 3 months post-op and just got back blood work and guess what iron is still low, need to take more iron, but the results outweight( look how i spelled outway) ------lol any and all constipation and i have plenty of that too, but it is getting better! good luck kim
   — kimberly G.

March 8, 2001
I had blood work about 1 month pre-op which showed my iron to be really low. My doctor put me on iron along with a stool softener so I wouldn't get constipated. My iron level came up, but still not to within normal limits - but close. They did my surgery I am now post-op 3 1/2 weeks. I am taking a daily multivitamin with iron now that hasn't bothered me at all. I get another round of blood work done in 2 more weeks - so I'll know more then.
   — T.L. S.

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