Anyone have hip, leg, and back pain?

I'm only 5'2" tall & weigh 275. I feel like my legs can't hold me up. My legs back and hips are in constant pain because my boobs and fat on my stomach just hang right down there. Does anyone else feel as I do and is it possible to lose the weight and walk like a "LADY" again? My surgery isn't until May 15, 2001. I don't know how I'm going to make it until then.    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 27, 2001)

January 27, 2001
I am 5'3" and weighed 287 lbs-I also had severe back,leg and hip pain. I was to the point that I could barely do my own grocery shopping without needing to use an electric cart-embarassing, humiliating and depressing. 12 days post op and I WALKED in the grocry store for an hour-didn't even realize how long I had been in there and was PAIN FREE. I am now almost 5 months post op and down 90lbs.Impossible to truly describe what an incredible blessing this surgery has been. I too thought my date would never come-but hang in there-believe me the wait is well worth it.
   — [Anonymous]

January 27, 2001
I know your pain, I have lived with pain for a couple of years now. Yes I hurt all the time, I couldnt hardly get my Christmas shopping done because of the pain. What I did each and everyday 2-3 times, once I got out of the shower I applied Icy-Hot or Bengay, Odorless, to my hips and knees and ankles to help releive the pain. This was only temp but I would reapply later through out the day. I would avoid going anywhere that I might have to do alot of walking. when I did my Christmas shoping I made a list of people and items as gifts got on the phone to see who had what in stock, and I went shopping. when It was a store in the Mall I would park near the store go in to the side entrance, and get what Iwanted and left, no browsing around dreaming or anything, Just this I was in a massive sweat anyways by the time I got to checkout and than once I got back to care I had to take deep breaths and turn the Air-condioner on ,(its also 22 degress outside burburburrrrr) and than drive to the next entrance and start again once I cool down. This is awful I know your pain, Just pray and avoid doing things that are really impossible for now. Take care of yourself. I am so glad I have a wonderful spouce that understood. Sometimes we would go places and he would go in to the store for me because I couldnt. And we used to enjoy going to wallmart and just walk around or to lowes, or home depot, not now but in my future we will again do to the WLS. Just hang in there it will get better. lol Jay Biller
   — jay B.

January 27, 2001
Well, yes it is possible to walk like a lady again. I am 5'1", and was 262, ALL of it stomach, I think. I've held 112-117 for 5 yrs now, so I hope I walk better than I did. POp onto my web site for pix.
   — vitalady

February 10, 2001
I know this will sound strange but try to walk more. Exercise releases endorphins, increases circulation and builds muscles. I use a lot of Tylenol too and Aspercream. I'm in the same boat - waiting, waiting, waiting and decided to kill the time by walking around the neighborhood and at work. Huffing and puffing, feeling lightheaded but still ambling along. It's starting to pay off as I've been "practicing" how to walk differently, not putting my heel down so hard but instead sort of sliding my foot forward putting weight on the whole foot, holding in my tummy (or at least trying to!). Feels weird but there isn't as much jolting to my back. Hope this helps. HANG IN THERE!
   — Lynn E.

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