Has anyone had problems with pain pills causing stomach irritation? My pcp put m

My doctor put me on tylenol 3. I took a few at work with no complications. When I went to bed Friday night, I took two more. I woke up a few hours with the most intense burning in my stomach. I'm trying to figure out if the codeine in the Tyleonol #3 caused the pain or if I possibly have the signs and symptoms of an ulcer. I'm afraid to take the Celebrex he gave me because it can cause stomach irritation also. Has anyone had problems with pain pills causing stomach irritation?    — Jan M. (posted on January 21, 2001)

February 3, 2001
My husband had trouble when he was taking ibuprofen, when he told the doctor he said that if you already have stomach irritation you should never take ibuprofen. I don't really think that it is the same with all pain medication, but I myself cannot tolerate codeine period. It irritates my stomach.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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