Had anyone here with Systemic Lupus had WLS?

I was diagnosed in 1990 with Lupus. Have not needed any steroids for many years and have been symptom free. Would a dr. still possibly not do the surgery if I've been diagnosed with it in the past?    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 5, 2001)

January 5, 2001
I am so glad that you asked this question. I too have Lupus and Fibro and have been too afraid to mention it to my surgeon for fear of being rejected. Now I feel that I can be completely open without fear. I am so glad to know I am not alone.
   — heidic72

January 5, 2001
Thanks for thr info I have Fibro but haven't met with my surgeon yet. I was debating but was on the side of better put all the cards on the table.
   — [Anonymous]

January 6, 2001
I was diagnosed with dermatomyositis (it is in the same family as lupus only the immune system attacks muscles instead of organs) in 1987 and have been off the steroids since 1992. I also was afraid to mention my condition to the surgeon as I'll never really be "cured" of it, just in remission. He didn't have any problems with it and I am now 9 months postop and down 113 lbs. One thing you might want to discuss with your family doctor is scarring after surgery. I know sometimes people with lupus have trouble with their skin and might scar easier. My scar is still bright red and very thick so I'm in the process of getting a referral to a dermatologist to see what can be done. Good luck to you!
   — Kellie L.

March 5, 2001
Thanks for asking this question, I was dx'd with SLE in 1984 and was also concerned that it would hold me back from this surgery. I go in and out of remission and I never know what will cause a flare up or when it will come about. It's a relief to know that it would preclude me from surgery.
   — [Anonymous]

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