How do most panni's look after surgery?

I know I will need a TT, thigh tuck, etc after my weight loss. I saw the website Jessica mentioned and most of the pictures looked wonderful. However, there was one elderly woman who had a panni and her scars and abdomen was hidious. I know there will be massive scars, but is scarring less for younger people?    — Jan M. (posted on December 30, 2000)

December 29, 2000
Hi Jan...Queen of Uneducated Guesses here...Younger people have softer, more pliable and elastic skin. It is better hydrated and has better oxygen flow, thereby promoting better healing. I would expect that a panni would scar much in the way the WLS scar does. Also, the elderly woman might be prone to keloids, so that could make a difference. Of course, I would invite anyone who has actually had a panni to clarify this :0)
   — Allie B.

December 30, 2000
Was the site you saw this one? I think Pat's tummy tuck looks great on this site. I also saw the scars in person once, the woman was in her mid 30's and her stomach was flat and looked wonderful. I know the scars look kind of frankenstein-ish at first, but the results are wonderful! I know I'll have to have one after my weight-loss.
   — Kristy J.

December 30, 2000
I had a full TT, panni & abdominoplasty 5 yrs ago. It was done by my bariatric surgeon and it is tight, tight, tight. I am very pleased. The horizontal scar follows the line of my body, starting at the hip, going down into the groin, then up over the center area, and so on, like a W? The vertical scar is almost faded and replaced my bypass scar. I DO keloid, so I had the scar injected early on, which made it lie down flat and I use Scargo to fade it out. I'm, uh, probably considered "older", but I've always had keloid scars. Some do, some don't.
   — vitalady

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