Hi guys!! Was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the subject

   — Donna H. (posted on November 19, 2000)

November 19, 2000
Well, I am going to have to guess that you are worried about a leak immediately post-op where one of the connections in your digestive "plumbing" springs a leak. Most surgeons, mine included, do a leak test a day or two after your surgery. You drink a small amount of barium or gastro-graffin, then they take x-rays as the liquid goes down into your stomach and small intestine. That way they can see if anything is leaking out through any of the new connections. Only after the leak test came out ok was I allowed to starte drinking fluids. A leak can be very dangerous if it goes un-detected, since digestive fluids can leak out into your abdominal cavity and lead to infection. But, doctors are careful to check for this problem before they allow you to start drinking fluids, and before they send you home from the hospital. After the first several days post-op the risk of a leak drops, and becomes almost unheard-of once you are fully healed.
   — Lynn K.

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