Surgery was 1/19/00- Lost about 50 lbs, all in the first 3 months. Nothing since.

I don't know what the problem is. Plenty of liquids, little food. Active as I can be at 280 lbs.I was told Crystal Lite is not good for us. Has anyone heard of this? I drink it all day, every day. Don't know what to do. Help!!!    — marilyn P. (posted on October 12, 2000)

October 13, 2000
I drink Crystal Lite and Sugar Free Kool-Aid all day too but I continue to lose weight (75lbs since 6/7/00). Are you getting in your protein? Maybe this is the problem or maybe your not getting in enough food. Good Luck.
   — Deania W.

October 13, 2000
Good Morning, My name is Linda, and I am 21/2 years out of surgery, and I have been drinking crystel light all this time, and have had no problems, and have lost 250lbs. If you would like to talk, you can reach me at [email protected] Have a great day. Linda
   — Linda H.

October 13, 2000
The first time I had Crystal Lite (5 days postop) I dumped, but I think that had more to do with how fast I drank it than anything else (I drank it FAST:) I now drink the vitamin fortified Crystal Lite, which has about 5 calories per serving, but has vitamins in it. As far as why you aren't losing, I think you need to write everything down that you are eating and drinking and see what your caloric intake is on a daily basis. I also had surgery the 19th of January and I have hit a few plateaus. When I do, I reevaluate what has been going into my mouth and 9 times out of 10, I have let my calories creep up. I go back to following the rules and exercise a little more faithfully and I seem to get back to losing. Of course, water and protein too! Good Luck!
   — M B.

October 13, 2000
Just a thought...are you eating ENOUGH food? If we don't eat enough calories our bodies think we are starving and slow metabolism. Your surgeon should be able to provide you with sample menus so you can make sure you're getting the right amount and the right types of food. I haven't heard Crystal Light being considered "bad" but I do know plain water is the absolute best thing for people to drink. Who needs all those chemicals?
   — Kellie L.

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