How much longer for surgery date?
If anyone out there has had Dr. Rubenstein at Caremax in NY, can you tell me how long it took for you to get a surgery date. I'm getting a little frustrated. I have had a chest xray, PFT, GI, blood work, EKG, an appointment with a nurse practioner for consult and physical, an appointment with the nutritionist and physiologist, and I have an upcoming appointment with the social worker. These have all been seperate appointments. A total of 10 and I still haven't met with Dr. Rubenstein! If I sound irritated it is because I just want to get a date so that I could make arrangements at work. Do all of Caremax's patients go through this? I appreciate that they are being thourough, but I just want this to be a reality instead of a dream. Sorry so long and whiny!...:) — Kim F. (posted on October 11, 2000)
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