I was pregnant but miscarried and 6 days later got approved for surgery

I am in a state of shock. I went to my surgeon June 20, 2000 to get reevaluated for surgery and approval from insurance. and found out July 6, 2000 I was pregnant. Tuesday Aug. 2, 2000 I miscarried. Today I finally got the letter from my insurance stating that I have been approved for surgery. I can't believe this. I don't know what to think. I do want to know if this has happened to anyone and how long after a miscarriage do you have to wait for surgery? I am happy I got approved but sad because I lost my baby.    — Stacy P. (posted on August 7, 2000)

August 7, 2000
I can't tell you anything about when you can have have the surgery because I don't know. What I want to say is that I am very sorry for the loss of your baby. It has to be one of the worst experiences that a person can have. I'm very glad that you have gotten some good news to focus on. Even if you have to wait a bit for your body to heal, you at least know that you are approved!! It should be much easier to carry a pregnancy to term once you have lost weight also. If you need someone to talk to, please email me - [email protected]. I'm always willing to listen, even if I can't help with advice.
   — Terry M.

August 8, 2000
Stacy, My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry for your precious loss. I don't have any of the answers to your questions. I just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck on your journey, and may God Bless You. My husband sings a Christian song about Jesus with his rocking chair. He'll take care of your baby for you, until you meet again. Love, from my heart -
   — CohenHeart

August 8, 2000
Dear Stacy, I really think it depends upon how far you were into the pregnancy. I miscarried in February so it wasn't even an issue. My GYN wasn't concerned about me doing anything afterwards. I wasn't limited in anyway. I also believe it depends on whether it was complete or not and did you have a D&C. Best advice: Call your GYN Good Luck!
   — Jeannet

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