Protein amounts according to

I was browsing a website today and started reading up about proteins. According to the site, someone of my size is required to get 71 grams of protein in a day. It followed with a chart listing protein rich foods. Some examples were 6 oz. of canned tuna having 40 grams, 4 oz. of chicken breast with 35 grams, etc. To my surprise, they listed 1 oz. of cheddar cheese as having 87 grams of protein!!! I like cheese and I tolerate it well. This would be the answer to my dreams were it true but I dont see how its possible. Can anyone verify the numbers?    — Rita O. (posted on August 7, 2000)

August 7, 2000
The amounts are variable, depending. If you are an athlete, 1g per lb of body wt is recommended. If you are dealing with a muscle wasting disease, the dosaghe is a bit higher than what maintenance rate would be. The rapdi wt loss period is considered "muscle wasting". If your maintenance rate is 71g, you might want to up it a bit during rapid wt loss and then drop back to maintenance when you have stabilized. Then, in using food products, you need to factor in your malabsorption rate for your particular length of bypass. For me, I just take the pre-digested protein supplement made with water. No fat, no sugars, no carbs, no bulk in my pouch. I'm certain I've got my dailies in the most absorbable form available. If I also get some from food, oh well, I win. Cheese is not a complete protein by itself, so it needs to be used with bread or crackers or something like that. I doubt that 87g is a correct figure.
   — vitalady

August 7, 2000
Ounces and grams are both units of weight. One Ounce equals 28.3 grams. No 1 oz of anything could contain 87 grams of anything. Sorry. maybe 8.7grams.
   — Bruce B.

August 7, 2000
Ounces and grams are both units of weight. One Ounce equals 28.3 grams. No 1 oz of anything could contain 87 grams of anything. Sorry. maybe 8.7grams.
   — Bruce B.

August 7, 2000
This is just a quick reference, however, very close to accurate as you can get... Just assume for every ounce of meat, dairy, poultry, or fish the protein content will be 7 grams. Example: 3 ounces of tuna=21 grams of protein.. Keep in mind this will vary some.. use the online program ( it will accurately figures all your calories & nutrients, protein included.. All you have to do is enter everything you eat in a day.. I agree with the Doctor below.. what you read was in error..
   — Victoria B.

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