Ever wonder what was going through a person's head the night before they had WLS?

   — Cora Elizabeth W. (posted on July 29, 2000)

July 29, 2000
Cora: What a wonderful journal I enjoyed reading it very much..Thank you so much for sharing with us..;-) I checked out your profile page and your weightloss is great keep up the good work.. <P> Open Divided RNY 12/8/99 Beginning weight 367 now 230 and falling weekly.. Check out my profile page for informational links also visit my webpage links.
   — Victoria B.

July 29, 2000
Great entry Cora. It's always nice to meet a sister in Christ. Good luck on your continued journey. I haven't had surgery, yet, so it was definitely interesting to see what your thoughts turned to that night.
   — Ada P.

November 22, 2000
You, dear girl are an inspiration to others! Love....
   — Beth Preston

November 22, 2000
Cora....That was a beautiful journal entry. Thanks for sharing with us. You know, you are blessed. Blessed because the night before surgery, you didn't let the enemy trick you into thinking that you was not going to make it. Jesus kept your mind on him. Isn't he good. That is just like him. He supplies strength to us whenever we need it. He is Love. I am so glad you know of this Love. Congratulations on your rapid weight loss. Looking good sister girl. Your sister in Christ and in the Struggle. Angie
   — Angela A.

November 22, 2000
Cora, Thank you so much for your post! I am having open rny in three days and my emotions are so up and down. I have never experienced anything like this, even when I had my two children! First thing this morning (Thanksgiving) when I woke up I thought "Why are you doing this? You don't eat very much now! Why ruin your body? Don't do it!" I am mentally prepared for this and God is with me but the doubts keep creeping in. I just wish it were over with and I was on the way to recovery. I know my doctor is skilled and my body is relatively healthy. I know I have the support of my loved ones but STILL....I am afraid of the unexpected and the pain. Please all of you fellow believers in Christ, please pray for me to get through this and to have the courage to keep from breaking down. I am also afraid to show my fear because the doctor will just "no, forget it! I am not operating on you!" Did all of you go through this? Help me to be strong. I am having an umbilical hernia repair too. God bless you all and thank you for the support and information! Yours in the battle,
   — Marilyn C.

November 24, 2000
Cora~ thank you so much for posting that journal entry. You have helped me more than you could possibly know! I think you are well on your way to teaching the world...God bless you and keep up the good work.
   — Stephanie D.

November 25, 2000
God bless you Cora!
   — Terri G.

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