Re: Can anyone help me?!?!

Thanks to everyone who has helped me in my quest, now I am just wondering if the Diabetic diet does qualify, can it qualify NOW, as in even though I am "currently" on this diet, will that work....Ins. co. stated a "tried/failed documentation"????? I wouldn't think it would, but......AHHHH THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!!    — Lori T. (posted on July 26, 2000)

July 26, 2000
I think it would. I personally listed every diet that I could think of because I have been on every diet at least once. I even listed non medically supervised as well as the medically supervised. Hope this helps.
   — Janice K.

July 26, 2000
I would list all diets you have ever tried. Here is a pertial list from my own history: Weight Watchers, Diet Watchers, Aitkins, Rotation, Beverly Hills. Then some of the medically supervised ones were amphetimines, something that was derived from the urine of pregnant apes (it involved shots and pills) I did several variations on that with several different doctors over the years. Unfortunately I can't remember what it was called. I'm sure you can think of several diets you have been on to no avail.
   — Patsy H.

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