I have a history of arterial clots, what precautions do I need to take before surgery

My dilemma: I have a history of a arterial clot in the left lower leg that went misdiagnosed by a certain hospital, that resulted in a amputation of my left leg. I am on life long coumadin therapy. Have been recently diagnosed with increase Homocystine levels and have the Lupus Anticoagulant ( meaning I'm super coagulable.) My father died as a result of a pulmonary embolism in 1972. Are there any precautions I need to take before having this surgery?    — Rena M. (posted on July 17, 2000)

July 17, 2000
Talk to your Heart doctor or WLS Surgeon about a Greenfield Filter, Vena Cava Filter..inferior vena cava (IVC) filter: indications: contraindication to anticoagulation failure of anticoagulation complication of anticoagulation: hemorrhage or thrombocytopenia large free-floating IVC/iliac vein thrombus prophylactic placement in high-risk trauma patients spinal cord injury severe head injury complex pelvic fractures multiple long bone fractures prophylactic placement before hip/knee replacement in patients with prior DVT.....
   — Victoria B.

July 19, 2000
Your surgeon will need to know this and will watch your blood work and make sure you are watched carefully after your surgery.
   — Julia D.

April 28, 2001
I too have a blood clotting disease called HOMOZYGOUS MUTATION (Factor V Leiden) which means I too have a high risk for blood clotting. I had a blood test to show that I have the history (genetics) to get blood clots. Ask your is very expensive if you do not have insurance. My surgeon is requesting that I have a Green Field Filter placed inside of me to help prevent the blood from clotting and killing me. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR(S). Good luck!
   — Donna G.

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