I am in Dallas, TX., scheduled August 14 for surgery, I am looking for a

support system to talk to about this whole thing. Is there anyone out there willing to correspond who is pre and post op? Thanks!    — June F. (posted on July 12, 2000)

July 12, 2000
June, I live in Carrollton and am now scheduled for August 23rd(delayed as of yesterday from July 19th). I have been comming here for only a couple of months, but would be happy to lend an ear or whatever else you need. I am currently not working as I just completed a 1 year course thru TX Rehab for Computer Programming for people with disabilities. However since I decided to have WLS, I felt that this was the best time to do it, before Job hunting. I check email at least daily(usually more often right now), so drop me a line or 3:)ttfn... Warm Healing Skinny thoughts to all:)
   — Barbara I.

July 12, 2000
Hi June, I belong to a very active on line support group called OSSG-support at If you are interested I let me know and give me youre-mail address - I will send you an invitation. Marjie
   — Marjie W.

July 12, 2000
Hi June, I am post-op open VBG 3/27/00. To date I have lost 66 lbs and still losing! I am 33 yo and married with 3 children. I live about 65 miles east of Dallas so we are neighbors!! Feel free to write and let me know how you are doing! What kind of surgery are you having? Write back soon!
   — Laura P.

July 12, 2000
Hello, I had my surgery in Dallas 1-21-00. There are some great support groups locally. Please write me direct for more information. [email protected] Good Luck! Shelly
   — Shelly T.

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