Do other post-op's have experience blood sugar lows while excercising?

On several occassions I have had my blood sugar dive while excercising. I used to have diabetes but since the wls surgery in feb 2000 have had no problems...just when I excercise and if I pop a candy it doesn't happen. Yesterday, I felt I had eaten enough prior to walking and didn't take that precaution...almost didn't make it back to my car for help. The symptons are weakness, can hardly put one foot in front of the other...and profuse sweating. It's really hard to think straight till I get some sugar in me. Has any one else with prior diabetis had this problem?    — Shelly G. (posted on July 10, 2000)

July 10, 2000
I have had the same problem as both of you. I nearly collapsed on my walk a few nights ago. I take a drink with me that I get locally called Splash. It is similar in taste to gatorade and it has allnatural ingredients. 5 grams of carbs per 8 oz serving and it has saved me through these hot Arizona walks. I dilute it about half water and half juice and that does the trick. Of course being diabetic I knew that crystal lite or any of those types of things would not do any good so I am glad I found this. TypeII diabetic before surgery in all meds and under control in WLS :o)
   — S S.

July 10, 2000
Hi Sherry, I'm not sure if you know WHY this is happening to you but I'm going to try to do my best in describing it. Plus there might be others out there who are asking "why?" when we can't have sugar. Anyway, here goes...The main source of fuel for your body is glucose, sugar. When you deplete your reserves, after exercising, your blood sugar drops. Your body will use up the glucose in your body first before it goes for the fat or protein because our cells, all our cells, love sugar for that "quick" fix of energy. After you burn up the sugar, then you will start to burn the fat. I hope this helps you to understand why you feel like this when you exercise. Keep up the good work...
   — Marni

July 10, 2000
I know you've had diabetes so I'm sure you've experienced low blood sugar episodes but are you sure what you're experiencing now is low blood sugar? Have you checked your blood sugar when it happens? I also experienced leg weakness and profuse sweating with exercise (I also had palpitations but I have a tendency towards those anyway). I had these symptoms for about 3 weeks when I was about 1.5 months postop. I didn't know what was causing them so I didn't do anything for them and the episodes just gradually stopped happening. Have you tried drinking some juice before your exercise? That might be better for you than candy if it is a low blood sugar problem. Have you asked your surgeon about it?
   — Kellie L.

July 10, 2000
Just another thought. Exercise could be causing a drop in your blood sugar, but if you're sweating alot when you're exercising, your potassium could be dropping too. It causes alot of the same symptoms and ALOT of overall weakness. Drink some OJ or eat a banana prior to or just after you exercise and see if that helps. And if all else your doctor. Good luck and God bless. cj
   — cj T.

July 2, 2001
Me too!... Having a small protein snack and a lot of water before exercise seems to give me the most stamina. I am pre-op, but trying to exercise everyday to (1) get in the habit (2) be in better shape for the surgery/anesthesia. Good luck! Mel
   — Mel M.

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