Has anyone had chidlren since surgery?

I was just wondering because I'm considering WLS and I know that I still want to have more children. Is there anyone who can tell me if they have? Thanks, Jessica    — Jessica C. (posted on June 12, 2000)

June 12, 2000
Dear Jessica, I have a beautiful, healthy, 3 year old daughter who was born almost 3 years after my distal gastric bypass. I had a bit of a tough pregnancy, but it was better than being pregnant and 250 lbs! I had a hard time gaining weight, and I had iron deficiency that required shots. My baby was born full term and 7.5 lbs. I hope this helps, if you want to ask any more questions, please feel free to email me. Good Luck, Sharon Shockley [email protected]
   — Sharon S.

June 12, 2000
I have a healthy 20 year old daughter born two years after I had the jejuno-ileal bypass. I was considered a high risk pregnancy but I really had no problems. Her birthweight was 6 lb. 15 oz. After she was born I breastfed and I got into some trouble after she was about 3-4 months old. My electrolytes: calcium, potassium, etc. got extremely low and I had to be hospitalized. My hands were drawn up into tight fists and I could not pry them open. This was really scary. I figures having the baby and breastfeeding was too much on my depleted electrolytes. Keep in mind, this was the older JIB surgery and the newer WLS are improved and supposedly don't have the serious side effects. I just wanted to post my experience with pregnancy after the JIB for you. Good luck.
   — Beth W.

July 11, 2000
I had a baby on 5-26-00. I had my VBG 7-18-98. My pregnancy was VERY healthy. I gained 26 pounds and have lost all but 4 pounds at my 3 week check up. She is very healthy and weighed in at 7 pounds and 6 ounces. It was a great pregnancy with no complications, unlike my pre-WLS pregnancy, which was plagued by every problem known to pregnancy. Good Luck!!
   — Donna D.

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