IWhat do you do when you have no insurance?

I was working for In Home Support Services when I was injured. Because I was not on the job the state says I legally stopped working that day so I am no longer insured. Well I can not get insurance because I still am not working two years later. My weight has climbed and I am now over 225 pounds over weight, with no income!!! But because I am a home owner the welfare system says no too.    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 13, 2000)

May 13, 2000
I don't know what state you are from but in Texas we have what is called Texas Rehabilitation Commission and if you qualify sometimes they will pay for it. I also don't know if you are disabled or not if you cannot work and you have morbid obesity and perhaps some other comorbiditys you may qualify for disability. Here in Texas we have medicare when we are on disability and it will pay. I would help if I knew what state you are from. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] I would be pleased to try to help you find some resources. (I'm pretty good at it too!) God Bless you and good luck. marilyn

May 13, 2000
Hi in answer to Marilen, I live in Northern California and I have several other problems as well. I have Post Tramatic Stress Disorder,Sleep apnea( using C-PAP at 9cm) and I have sever fibromyalgia as well.Thank You for asking!!! Jo
   — [Anonymous]

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