Anyone have cellulitis after surgery?

I'm a little over three weeks post-op and last week I noticed an area at the very top of my belly button and about an inch over from my incision (it started out about 2 inches long now it's about four inches in diameter) was hard, warm and very painful. I went to my family doc and he said I have cellulitis. The incision itself isn't infected, it's the skin that is infected. He put me on antibiotics yesterday and I know it will take a few days to get any relief from them. Has anyone else had this? Anything I can do for the pain until the antibiotics get the infection under control? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.    — Kellie L. (posted on April 20, 2000)

February 1, 2003
I also get frequent boughts of cellulitis in my legs becuase of excess fluid due to lymphedema. I actually was just getting over an infection when I saw my surgeon, he said if it wasn't cleared up he wouldn't do my surgery...tooo much strain on my system. So far my leg is better, I have 8 days till surgery and still have a couple days of antibiotics left.
   — Sarahlicious

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