Just shy me saying

I just wanted to take an opportunity to thank all the thoughtful people who took the time to answer my posting about feeling lonely and not knowing how to deal with it. You were all so kind and helpful that I wanted to thank each of you personally but after a lifetime of hiding myself from people all I could muster up was this post. Im going to take all of your advice and really try extra hard to get past my fears and start becoming more active and meeting people. I realize that being alone and being lonely dont have to go hand in hand. Love... Me    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 31, 2000)

March 31, 2000
Yeah! :)
   — Paula G.

March 31, 2000
I'm proud of you!!!
   — Theresa B.

April 1, 2000
Your Gonna Make It !!!!!!!!
   — Ronda L.

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