has anyone experienced pain under the incision?
I am 2 weeks post -op and have been feeling great until yesterday. I have this pain kinda like a pulled muscle in my stomach under the incesion...It doesnt hurt when I'm still but walking is uncomfortable, has anyone experienced this? — kim P. (posted on March 29, 2000)
March 29, 2000
I would advise you to call your surgeon and ask. Sometimes, this can signal
an infection.
— Cindy H.
March 29, 2000
I am 10 weeks post op today! I didnt start noticing the musclespasms until
a couple of weeks ago. It happens at night when I lay a certain way. My
doctor told me that it is normal and to just consider them as friendly
"reminders" that I had surgery. I hope it helps!
— Lady C.
March 29, 2000
those pains are from your stitches healing and is perfectly normal
— dawn D.
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