What are options are available when PCP does not wish to provide a referral?

My PCP has denied me a referral instead suggesting that I participate in a program similar to OptiFast that the medical group coordinates. I have done OptiFast before only to lose and gain more weight back. I don't want to do this. What are my next options? Can I switch physician's? I have Pacific Care HMO. Is there a list of PCP's that are known to be more sensitive and willing to refer that I can switch too? Please Help!    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 19, 2000)

January 19, 2000
I have PacifiCare HMO and my pcp refered me. If you have a surgeon in mind I would suggest you find out from them what doctors refered previously. What area are you in? Im in South Orange County and know of several pcps that have refered. Also, be sure when you change pcp's to make sure there is a surgeon in your pcp's medical group that does Bariatric surgery. Getting a out-of-network referal will be difficult. Please email [email protected] if you need any help.
   — Shannon O.

January 19, 2000
you should be able to change pcp. I am having a similar pro. except my pcp just kind of dimissed it. i calleD A surgeons office today and she called my pcp requesting a referal(how sweet). also she tried to help me with finding a wls friendly pcp!Im so excited she said that it may be a few days and she will call me back and let me know something. try this and see if it helps. Pray for me as I will for you . Good luck!
   — cristy P.

January 19, 2000
My PCP didn't want to give me a referral so I just called the surgeon and made an appointment to see him. At the first appointment he said I was a good candidate for surgery. His office did everything with the insurance company. I don't know if he asked the PCP for a referral or not. He said he may have to contact him if the insurance company (BC/BS) asked for it. As far as I know the insurance company didn't ask for it.
   — kaydeeb16

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