Does anyone have a problem with nausea when they first wake up?

Im about 1 1/2 weeks postop and have been having a problem with nausea upon first waking up. It takes a little while to subside and its a feeling like if I was to eat or drink anything I would throw up. This morning I woke up and was rather thirsty so I drank (just a little) even though I felt this way and eventually threw up some of the liquid. Why does this happen? This worries me because I need to get more fluids down but it seems during certain parts of the day water doesnt sit well in me. Ive turned to trying lemonade but that can cause problems sometimes too (thats what i drank and threw up). Any suggestions?    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 30, 1999)

October 31, 1999
Hi, I am 8months post-op,I remember feeling the same way,so I tried to chew on crackers everchance I got.Very very slowly,chewing well,try not to go so long inbetween eating,I used slim fast ,it somtimes took me all day to finish one can,but it seem to fill that empty feeling.this will all pass in time,but don't feel afraid to eat,you will feel like that's all your doing,but believe me it's nothing like we use to do. Good luck !
   — Denise B.

October 31, 1999
Hi I am one week post op tomorrow. I have not had any nausea but water just didn't taste right to me for a couple of days. For a change I sip down either bullion or a can of chicken broth warmed up. My dietician said I can sip it as water. I find it to hit the spot. Very soothing going Down. Hope this helps! ~:o)
   — Lisa O.

November 7, 2001
I'm 2 yrs. post-op. Another wls patient gave me this tip at the beginning and I still use it to this day... Lay 1/2 way back in a lazy boy chair with your arms over your head and take a few deep breaths until the nausea subsides. (this also helps if you have the dumping syndrome). Sounds crazy, but it really does help alot. Also, I keep sugar-free peppermints around and suck on those, or use herbal peppermint tea, or chamomile tea with spearmint leaves,(Celestial Seasonings makes a really good one). Another idea: Since it's 1st thing in the morn., try chewing ice chips VERY SLOWLY. At this point of your recovery THIS really is the key.... anything that goes into your mouth needs to be introduced very, very slowly. It will take a little while for you to get used to eating; for you to recognize what it feels like to feel full, even to know if and when you are really hungry... it'll come... Patience is NOT My middle name, (my doctor lovingly told me that), LOL... but it really is something that is needed at this point of your journey. Follow the plan that your doctor and nutritionist gave you as closely as you can... but go slowly... sip your water CONSTANTLY throughout the day... you WILL feel better every day, a little stronger, a little more confident as you learn the cues that your body gives you... you'll be ok. GOOD LUCK!
   — tammy R.

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