I have e-mailed or posted questions and no one has answered.Where is the support??

If anyone has any info on how Sherie Sloan is doing could you please update the info.I do not want to e-mail her family and ask questions if she has not improved.I would feel just terrible if I said something wrong.Also I have e-mailed a few post ops and have not had any replies.They say email and they will answer and support but this is a bunch of crock.I have had luck in the chat room only.WHERE IS THE SUPPORT WHEN YOU NEED IT???    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 7, 1999)

August 7, 1999
Sure sorry that you feel that way. Sometimes you don't get answeres because no one has them. Or, the people who have them just aren't around for one reason or another. A lot of the time I answer directly to the poster's e-mail rather than post my answer. Have you given people that option? In any case you seem to have found the answer - go to the chat room. I'm pre-op, but I would be happy to share or comizzerate. [email protected]
   — Fran W.

August 7, 1999
I only answer questions I know the answer to or have had personal experience with. I don't know Sherrie Sloan and I cannot provide info on her. You post annonymously at least in this case you did, so I have no way to email you back! If you've posted something that I have pertinent info on, annonymously or not, I would've answered. I would think a sincere letter to Sherrie Sloans friends or family would be welcomed, knowing someone out there is thinking of her and them. But I'm afraid I've never even heard that name until tonite. I'm sorry you don't experience the support or answers you desire, perhaps you could tell me what you've posted and not gotten responses to, and if I missed something, I could try to answer it.
   — Sherrie G.

August 7, 1999
P.S. I might also suggest that if the tone of your emails are anything like the tone of this post, I would probably not respond.
   — Sherrie G.

August 8, 1999
I would be happy to correspond with you. I have recently joined Obesity help line and would be happy to give you advice ect. based on my experience. I had RNY surg 15 mo. ago and have lost 160# so far with 40 more to go. I don't know if I had distal or proximal but I return to my surgeon this Wed. and will certainly find this out.(just for a check-up-nothings wrong) I have had a wonderful experience with my surgery and wt. loss. I would be happy to fill you in if you are interested. I don't know the person you were inquiring about-sorry, so I can't help you there. If nothing else, I hope you know that others do listen. Good Luck and God Bless!! Sincerely, Jan Terry
   — Jan T.

August 8, 1999
This is not a response but an apology.When I posted this I was quite upset.I have had lots of help with my search on wls in the chat room and all the question and answers.What does upset me is as I've expressed is with those in this support group that are post op and have said they would answer any e-mail.I have e-mailed those in my area to try to find out more about the surgery and the dr.My area does not have any support group and there are very few dr's that do this surgery.Also my family dr does not agree with this type of surgery.So again I do apologise to those who post questions and answer them.My posting was not meant for you.I just did not want to name anyone, but those of you that do not respond to personal e-mail and say that you would know who you are.Also Sherrie Garnett my tone is not like that in my e-mail.I only want help and I thought I could get it from my peers that live close to me.I do not mean to affend those of you that help out in the chat rooms and in the postings.I'm sorry....I have chosen to leave this group....I know I will get know where anyways.Thanks to you all that have been here.Good luck to you all that are post op, and pre op and to those who are considering.Bless you all.
   — [Anonymous]

August 8, 1999
I do not know who Sherie Sloan is so I have not responded to your inquiry. I have reponded to other questions in the past. I only respond to questions I can answer. I'm sorry you feel this is a bunch of crock. But if you really think about it, it's not.
   — Kathy K.

August 8, 1999
Hi my name is Penny. I'm really sorry you're feeling out there and alone. I don't know about the person you are asking about. I did however want to answer you because no one should feel alone on this net. I am a new subscriber....been here about 2 weeks. I answer the questions that I have an answer for. I posted a question the day I first found the net. Out of the 500 or so "they" say are registered I only received 4 or 5 responses. My guess is that more people come onto this net looking for help rather than being willing to give help. That's not a slam. It's just where I believe a lot of people are in their healing process. The responses I have gotten have been great and I enjoy reading and anwsering the questions I can. You can e-mail me directly. I will answer you. I only have computer access at work. So if it takes me a while to get back to you don't fret....I'll be back.
   — Penny W.

August 9, 1999
Hi, My name is Cheri and I would be more than happy to email you if I can help in any way. I only had my surgery on June 17,1999 but am doing great and am very glad of the decision to do this. Have lost 46 pounds in 7 weeks. I had RNY at UCLA in Westwood, California. Lets talk. See you soon
   — Cheri H.

May 17, 2002
Well I have my email address listed so if you have any questions or just to chat, send me a buzz ok. I am sort of new here but I may be able to help some. Sorry you have had a bad time here. Please give it another try.
   — Debby M.

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