Is it best to go to your family doctor before you go to a doctor about the surgery?
I haven't been to my family doctor about my weight. I have some problems like back pain, knee pain and foot pain. I haven't bothered going because it comes and goes. I have a family history of heart attacks, strokes and diabetes. This year I realized after my father had a slight heart attack, that it is possible I could have one to. I have tried everything to lose weight and nothing I do works. I have gone to a diet doctor and have failed in losing weight. I want to have this surgery done but should I start going to my family doctor now? — Stacy P. (posted on August 6, 1999)
August 5, 1999
You should go to your family Dr for more than one reason. first you would
want him or her to be involved in your overall health care desisions, and
second, they may be able to help you find a quailified surgen to see about
this. ONE more may need the referal from your family Dr for
insurance coverage. Good luck!!!!!
August 5, 1999
I didn't see my family Dr. until I had already had a date for my surgery. I
new she would not agree with me that this was the way to go.
— Cindy C.
August 6, 1999
Your insurance will most likely require documentation that you have medical
conditions related to your obesity. It would be a good idea to start that
process with your GP. You may need to follow through with visits to
specialist for things like sleep apnea, edema, joint deteriation, etc.
— Ken C.
August 6, 1999
I didn't go to a family doctor. I went directly to my surgeon their office
filed all the necessary paperwork and I was approved in less than a week
after the paperwork was submitted. I will admit I took awhile to fill out
all the paperwork and they did request I send paperwork requesting the
release of medical information from my other doctor. And I had to make a
list of all the diet I had ever been on in my entire life. I hope this
helps to answer your questions.
— bperrin
August 9, 1999
I am pretty sure you have to see you family Dr. first to get a refferral
but I could be wrong. That's how I had to go about it anyway. :-) Good
April Beasley
— April H.
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