Would I have a problem getting my insurance to approve surgery for morbid obesity?

I have this insurance and it says that they will not cover any services related to management or treatment of any overweight or obesity conditions. However, it doesn't not say anything about morbid obesity. Would I have a problem of getting this surgery approved?    — Stacy P. (posted on August 4, 1999)

January 31, 2000
I Also have John Alden who is a branch of medical Mutal of Ohio, I Am having a rough time with them also, Please keep in touch with me and let me know what happens, and Ill do the same, Is your John Alden a branch From Medical Mutal Of ohio...Oh and btw...Medical mutal of ohio usually pays for the surgery...So its werid that Im having such a hard time with one of their branch offs...Thanks Ann
   — Ann A.

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