They don't do an RNY if you have G.E. Reflux???

I'm totally confused. I called the doc's office today where I want to get a consultation. The nurse told me they usually do the RNY with people. But she said they do something different if you have G.E. Reflux? Can anybody shed some light on what that is and why you need a different operation?    — blank first name B. (posted on June 18, 1999)

June 18, 1999
There is a surgery for Gastric Reflux. It has nothing to do with obesity surgery. It consists of wrapping a piece of mesh around the upper part of hiatal hernia, thereby not allowing food to sit there and reflux into your esophagus. I was told by my GI doctor that my reflux would be corrected by the RNY and no need for the other surgery. Reflux is cured by the RNY within 4 months.
   — Deborah L.

June 18, 1999
The Roux-N-Y procedure was originally done for people with ulcers or cancer of the stomach or gastric reflux. And it still is. But after people had this surgery they lost weight and didn't gain it back. Then at some point surgeons decided that it would also work for weight loss. And it has done so very nicely. It is still done for other reasons besides weight loss. It is the same procedure, but just for a different reason.
   — Linda L.

June 18, 1999
My Reflux was cured entirely by the RNY...either she is wrong or you misunderstood?
   — Deanna D.

June 20, 1999
Reflux is a natural consequence of Morbid Obesity. The weight loss procedure need not differ because of this problem unless your condition is advanced and complicated with ulcers stricture of the esophagus, pre-cancerous changes or shortening of your esophagus. In fact most weight loss operations, such as a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass actually eliminate or greatly improve reflux symptoms after surgery. Your surgeon should be aware of the extent of your reflux problem and may wish to order examination of your esophagus and stomanch (EGD).
   — Helmut S.

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