how do I start

I'm interested in surgery. But once I talk to my primary physician, how do I start to deal with the insurance company(partners of Nc). Also, there are so many different procedures, how do I sort out the info to find the best surgery for me?    — janice M. (posted on June 10, 1999)

June 10, 1999
Once you find a doctor-either by using this site or your doc will help with the insurance stuff. It really depends if you have HMO or PPO. But go to this site to read about all the different weight loss surgeries and print it so you can talk it over with the doctors you see. I recommend consulting with at least 2 if not 3 and go on your instincts. Also call the medical board for your state and check the doctors license to make sure they don't have and strikes against them, ie) malpractice lawsuits etc. Good luck. Allison
   — Allison Mupas

June 10, 1999
Janice, I know someone who had they Y-Gastric Bypass surgery, at first I was skeptical but after a year, I thought this might work for me. I made an appointment with my PCP (primary care physician) who gave me the usual warnings and he gave me a referral to a surgeon for a consultation. I met with Dr. Goodman, did my psych evaluation and am now waiting to schedule a surgery date. I believe Dr. Goodman (surgeon) will submit the paperwork to the insurnance company. I know that this is a mouthful but I hope it helps!
   — Carrie G.

June 11, 1999
Because of the fact that I was Diabetic and the neuropathy had done some damage in both my feet, my personal physician recommended gastric bypass so that I could loose the weight. He recommended me to a bariatric surgeon. I met with the surgeon and he and I discussed the prospect of having the surgery. He provided me with the information I needed to help him make an informed decision. We decided on RNY. His office contacted my insurance company and got the approval for me. All I had to do was wait for their decision. Once that came through, I had a complete battery of tests to assure that I was able to have the surgery. I was also required to meet with a psychiatrist for a pre-surgical evaluation. Having met and passed all the criteria, I had my surgery 9/95. By 9/96, I had lost the majority of the weight I had wanted to loose. My surgeon and I had decided on my post-surgical weight goal. I went back to surgery at that time and he removed 9 lbs of skin and fat from my abdomen, pubic area and upper thighs and repaired a hernia that had occured in the original surgical incisional area. I am currently at 150 lbs (down from about 300lbs). I feel great. Your physician should be able to recommend you to a good surgeon who should be able to give you all the information you need to get you started. I wish you all the best. Let us know about your progress.
   — Peggy W.

June 11, 1999
There are several online support groups for is best to check out the different ones individually because even the one that is supposed to be for all surgereies really is partial to one type of procedure. The best advice I can give is to see a surgeon who does ALL procedures, not just one. That way no one trys to talk you into a specific procedure. You need to choose based on your eating habits. If your problems with food are simply in the amounts you consume, then the VBG may be a good choice for you. If your problem is the type of food you eat, such as sweets or fats, it may be better for you to go with the RNY or gastric bypass procedures. It is all dependent on your eating habits and what is best for you. PollyAnna [email protected]
   — PollyAnna F.

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