Anyone had insurance pay for it?
According to my insurance co. (Prudential), they will pay for it IF it's medically necessary. According to my doctors office insurance companies NEVER pay.... has anyone had any experience with this?? — Karen B. (posted on October 29, 1998)
February 5, 1999
Quite a few people have had their tummy tucks, breast lifts, etc., paid for
by their insurance companies. Breast lifts are a bit harder to have
insurance companies pay for, but if your doctor tells them you need it done
because you're disfigured, they'll often pay for it. Same thing for tummy
tucks, although medical necessity can be claimed in some cases because of
constant rashes.
— Tina H.
February 25, 1999
My PCP tells me that if there is an apron (which he says there definitely
will be) and it is a result of the RNY (which it definitely will be), it
will have to be covered by the insurer as a direct result of a previous
procedure they paid for and therefore should be covered.
In an ideal world, I guess, that would be so. I have also heard that most
insurers balk at this one... I am hoping when the time comes I will be
living in a more "perfect world."
— Peter W.
March 11, 1999
throughout my interviewing of patients that have had the vbg, i did
come across one lady that was 240lbs beginning and after surgery was
145lbs. she got a tummy tuck as well and i saw a before and after
picture of her and she looks like tony the tiger would say
her insurance paid for everything, including the tummy tuck. she says she
didn't even
have to pay for a bandaid.
— cindy N.
March 31, 1999
My panniculectomy was covered by my insurance. The total bill was $25,000.
I was in the hospital 7 days. It was a circumferential tummy tuck which
means he went all the way around my body taking off the apron and about a
6" wide strip of skin off my lower-back. I still have 70lbs to lose
and will have to have it touched up when I get to goal weight. I will have
it done at the same time I have a breast reduction/lift so I won't incur
any extra expense for it since the breasts will be covered by the insurance
also. At the time I had the tummy tuck I was also scheduled for a thigh
lift but since the tt took 6 hrs he was unable to do the legs. He will do
them along with the breasts and tummy hopefully this fall when I reach
goal. He did get the thighs covered by the insurance too.
— kaffyjo
April 28, 1999
I have heard that you can chronicle yeast infections and that
is a reason to have the tummy tuck. I haven't had the procedure
yet but have talked with people who have and that is what they
told me.
— Barbara S.
May 2, 1999
i have polycystic ovarian is a fight with the insurance co.
but i hear if it is worded right they will pay. also any scar tissue
builup is reason for the surgery, acne, rash in the fold of the skin by the
pubic line can help if mentioned to your dr. this is sometimes reasons to
get it covered.
— charlayne C.
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