I'll be post 2 yrs post op in Dec. I am finding that when I get a sore for example a

bug bite and it will get very infected and actually leave a hole in my skin and then it will scar. Could this be from a low immune system?? And what can I do to boost my immune system to prevent this..    — mountains (posted on October 10, 2005)

October 10, 2005
Have you had your labs checked lately? You may want to see if your doc will do a CBC, CMP, and check your protein. The next time you have a sore, go to the doc so they can document what you are seeing and how it heals. Good luck. Shelly
   — scharlier

October 16, 2005
I have taken Zink from Wal Mart since I was able to swallow the pill after surgery. I am now 19 months out and have lost 120 lbs. I think the vitamin regimine I take has made such a difference on how my bodys immune system has fought off colds and stomach flus and even upper respratory issues. Prior to surgery I always fought upper respratory issues when the seasons change and havent had one issue since my weight loss. I take 1 essential vitamin, 1 zink and 1 B12 (2500 mcg) a day. What works for me may not work for you. Read up on Zink it says it helps build immunities. Good Luck to you and May God watch over your progress...
   — Donna Mehl

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