Does anyone has pain in their back after taking any kind of pills?

After I had surgery 10/7/03, I started having pain after I would take a pill. A Severe back pain that wouldn't go away for about 20 minutes. Nothing will relieve this pain even when I took a pain pill it did this, go figure. I thought that pills were it but after plastic surgery I asked for pain liquid and that caused the pain too!!! I think it has something to do with my kidneys, sometimes when I drink allot of water it may ease up a little. Any one had similar experiences?    — GAYLE CARMACK-LYONS (posted on October 6, 2005)

October 6, 2005
Yes! A good friend of mine had exactly the same symptoms, starting very soon after she had her surgery, and it turned out that it was a form of acid reflux. Her doctor put her on Nexium and she reports that it solved the problem completely. Hope this helps!
   — Beth Barnhill

October 6, 2005
I had surgery on Aug.22. At first I had to crush all my other meds( yuck) just so I could avoid that problem. Now I just break the big pills in half and take them as I used to before surgery. Give it some time you will start feeling better soon.
   — jani204

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