Anyone else have this problem? leg ache

My legs ache ALL the time and it also goes into my arms at times, I am 3 yrs post op, I take all the vitamins I'm suppose to, but I still get NO relief. I go days without sleep, I feel like I'm losing my mind, it affects all aspects in my life. Anyone have any suggestions.    — Lisa W. (posted on September 12, 2005)

September 12, 2005
I have Restless Leg Syndrome and my legs ache alot too. There is an odd rememdy that might help your legs it does mine, alot of the times. Take a regular bar of soap, not Dove or Ivory, but a regular bar of deoderant soap and place on the bottom sheet of your bed. Make sure that your leg(s) are touching the bar of soap. Sounds odd I know, but as a southerner I use alot of the old rememdies. If this problem keeps getting worse PLEASE contact your doctor have it checked out. Tylenol P.M. or it's equivelant may work at night. I hope that this helps. God bless.
   — LilaDove

September 12, 2005
Hi, what does you bloodwork look like? Is all ok with Calcium, Magnesium and potasium? There are imbalances in electrolyctes that will cause these leg aches as well. Really important to get the doctor to check on this problem. Hope your feeling better soon.
   — Karen Renee

September 12, 2005
Have you seen a doctor? It may have absolutely nothing to do with being a post-op. There are lots of things that can cause aches and none of us on this site are qualified to diagnose. I had leg aches and general body aches for years and finally found that I had thyroid disease but I sure spent a lot of time and money trying to find out what it was. If you haven't seen a doctor, please do go see one and explain your symptoms.
   — scbabe

September 12, 2005
What exactly is your vitamin regimen like? When were your last labs and how many pages were they of finished report? Have you been collecting copies and comparing them?
   — vitalady

September 12, 2005
The obvious advice would be for you to go see either your surgeon or your PCP.
   — SJP

September 12, 2005
my legs hurt before my surgery and they said after i start loosing weight it should go away but it did not by the time i lost 60 and then 80 lbsl it seem to get woorse finally my psp refr me to a neuroligist and she ran some test found out the i have nerve damage in my left leg from being over weight i guess the weight did that so she just told me to keep on doing what i was doing loosing weight and exercise and finally she refe me to therapy and i have special ecercise i work on but the damage has been done so just have your pcp run some test you will find out what is wrong thanks write if you wuld like rosemary

September 12, 2005
I have suffered like this for years now. I have fibromyalgia (spelling may be off). I don't sleep well at night without help (trazadone). But the best thing to do is ask your PCP. When I didn't get a deep sleep the rest of my time was bad. You need sleep and fibromyalgia or restless leg sydrom will stop you. Ask your PCP for the answer. God Bless
   — tammymoll

September 12, 2005
I also have suffered from this for years. I have fibromyalgia. I have to take trazadone and clonapin at night so that I get sleep. I also have restless leg syndrome. You have to get at least 4 full hours of sleep (called rem sleep) to keep your body going. Talk to your doctor about it. Good luck and God Bless!
   — Sharon Wolf

September 13, 2005
you should talk to your doctor. Maybe you need quinine. Or get las done to rule out calcium and potassium deficiencies. Good luck.
   — catleth

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