Coverage by Medicare for Roux en Y

I have recently learned that Medicare will not be covering this procedure after next year. I am wondering if this is correct and does this mean Oct 2005 or Oct 2006? Does anyone know?    — Rebecca S. (posted on July 22, 2005)

July 22, 2005
My Dr. works very closly with Medicare as he is on the National Bariatric something another. Anyway he said that he expected Medicare to losen up cause they are doing actual studies (which he is participating in) documenting the cost obesity is to Medicare on co illnesses. He said this on July 21, 2005
   — Priscilla M.

July 23, 2005
This has been asked before. Medicare will pay for any surgery that is deemed as medical necessary. It is good to go to their website and ask the question or call them direct.
   — mspisces

July 23, 2005
From what I understand, Medicare will pay for any surgery if it is medically necessary. Since you can't even have this surgery unless you are obese, you should have no problem with getting approved. Hopefully this will remain the case.
   — bekster

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