How can I begin to afford my skin removal surgery if insurance won't cover it?

I am only 23, but I am nearly 3 years post-op. I dont want to live anymore with the skin on my arms and stomach that I know won't go away on it's own. If anyone has any tips on how I could evne begin to afford this, I would really appreciate it.    — Brenda M. (posted on March 31, 2005)

March 31, 2005
start saving as much as you can every payday
   — fishnrockport

March 31, 2005
start saving as much as you can each payday. it took me 2 years to save 4051 for my tt and arm lift through the military. i started saving since before i had my gbs. i am 3 to4 months post op from having the tt and arm lift. so it is well worth it. hang in there you will be able to save if you really want it bad enough. it was worth it for me. now i'm just saving for the lower body lift. which through the military is 9500. so that will take me a long time but in the long run it will be worth it.
   — Barbara M.

March 31, 2005
I took a loan out on my 401K. I also used my Flexible Spending Account Plan to pay for some plastics work. Check with your employer to see if they offer this. You can take the money out on a pre-tax basis which may put you in a lower tax bracket and less taxes are taken out of your paycheck (about a 20% savings).
   — Patty H.

April 1, 2005
get a second job and save all money from that toward it.
   — Delores S.

April 1, 2005
All of the posters have great idea's, the other option is to take a loan from a company like Capital One Cosmetic fee plan, or Healthready. Check out the plastic surgery message board, there is a plastic surgeon that post on there all of the time, and he has financing. Also alot of people go to Mexico or Brazel or even South America and get there ps for half the cost of the US. Start saving every penny, and have the procedures done one at a time, starting with the most medically necessary. Also, if it is medically necessary you can use the expense off of your taxes. Find a ps that will give you a discount for paying cash, or having more than one procedure done. Good luck.
   — cindy

April 1, 2005
I heard that Burn Centers or Hospitals actually charge less for skin removal surgery because they need the skin for their burn patients. Sounds yucky but might be more affordable and you would actually be helping others out also. It is not for everyone but its another thing to look into. Good Luck
   — lenni126

April 1, 2005
Yikes! Not the 'donating skin for burn victims' rumor again!! =) That is a myth. Hospitals to do not do this. Skin can not be donated to a burn victim ... I think it has to do with them rejecting it, or something. Anyway, I wish it were true, but, sadly it isn't.
   — KelBurt

April 2, 2005
The burn center idea is an urban legend. You may want to find out if a PS will accept payments, or get a loan from a family member, home equity loan, loan against a credit card, loan against an insurance policy.
   — ChristineB

April 3, 2005
A lot of PS will offer some avenue for financing. Not usually thru their office, but an option for you to look into. There is also the Cap One suggestion, second mortgage, savings, 401k, and so on. I am also over 3 years out and would love to have PS, I just have a hard time spending money on myself and not something like a new kitchen. LOL
   — RebeccaP

April 3, 2005
If you have any problems with rashes under the skin folds, you might be able to get insurance to pay part on removing the skin on the stomach. Almost every plastic surgeon works with a medical financing company. I took my expenses off my income tax.Good luck.
   — dianne E.

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