Seven weeks out, having trouble eating foods. Need to know if this is normal.

At three weeks out, I could eat better than I can now. My doctor has me on protein only until I lose 75% of excess weight, but at three weeks, I could eat roast beef, chicken, eggs, tuna, cheese etc. Enough so I don't get bored, but now, I have developed an intolerance for most meats. I can eat cheese, cottage cheese, fish,(not canned tuna), protein drinks, and that's about it. I can't even eat scrambled eggs any more...I eat about 1-2 ounces at a time, 3 times a day. While I do eat other things, they cause me severe discomfort so I avoid them. My fear is that I'm clearly not getting in enough protein. I went to support group for the first time the other night and I think this may be abnormal in comparison to what others can eat. Will this intolerance subside?    — Amy C. (posted on March 29, 2005)

March 29, 2005
What did your doctor say? You could be developing a stricture.
   — mom2jtx3

March 29, 2005
There is a period of time occuring 6 to 10 weeks after surgery termed by some aas "Misery Month" During this period Your pouch is adjustingand the gastrojejunostomy may contract during healing. This is a normal phase, All patients can expect some difficulty during this period. You may expect more nausea and/or vomiting. But after the tenth week, there is usually marked improvement. It is IMPORTANT that during this phase, the patient focus on taking in adequate amounts of liqueds daily. It may be necessary to revert back to a liqued diet during this time. Patients that have symptoms longer than the tenth week should contact there surgeon. I got that out of the Binder I was given before surgery I think this is probably what You are going through. I appreciate my surgeons for giving out this book it answers lots of questions If You need anything else let me know. Best Wishes
   — Shell G

March 29, 2005
Always talk to your doctor about your concerns. Go over your "OK" list of foods with your doctor. It may be that you are still too mew post-op to be eating dense meats. Most surgeons gradually re-introduce food that is not pureed. For me, I suddenly became intolerant of chicken (even the juiciest piece made me want to puke) at about a month out. This went on for several months on and off. And I have heard many people say the same thing.
   — lizinPA

March 29, 2005
Amy, yes I am 6 weeks post-op and I can barely eat anything. I am only eating 3 meals a day and each meal consist of meat (1/2 oz.) and very once in a while I can get in one asparagus or 1 slice of cucumber. My surgeon isn't concerned, just told me to be sure to eat 3 times a day and make sure it is protein. Drink as much as you can, it is so important. If you want to talk more, please email me. Dana
   — cajungirl

March 29, 2005
I am almost 3 1/2 months out and I still have trouble with meats somedays. I am finding as time goes on more things I can tolerate but at six/seven weeks out I didn't do well with almost anything. Now I did have a stricture and unless you can't hold anything down, including drinks, then I don't think you have a stricture, just your tummy is adjusting to it's new self. I'm doing better daily, but somedays when I introduce new foods, I still get ill. It will get better, I promise, I didn't think it would but it did. If you find that you are getting sick alot, check with the dr. so you don't have a stricture. Good luck and email me if you like to chat. (RNY Lap, 12/17/04) down 61 pounds!
   — jenniferw

March 30, 2005
If I were you, I would get to the doctor. You could have a stricture. There could be a build-up of scar tissue from where the intenstine is attached to your new pouch. This is a simple thing to fix, but first you need to see the doctor to see if that is the problem. Don't let it go on. If you were tolerating this stuff earlier, but not now, it sounds like there could be a problem. Call your doctor to confirm or rule out. That is the only one that can answer your question. Don't let yourself get run down from lack of nutrition!
   — jk_harris

April 1, 2005
Thanks for all the advice...I actually did talk to the doctor about this and he doesn't seem concerned.
   — Amy C.

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