Anyone had trouble with a full feeling all the way up to your throat?

Recently, I have started experiencing a terrible full feeling even when not having food for an extended amount of time. It is esp. bad in the mornings when I get up. I feel like food is lodged in my throat. It lasts all day most of the time. Anyone had a similar feeling? What did u do about it and what was the problem?    — TBarr (posted on February 22, 2005)

February 22, 2005
Hi Tana... I get that feeling when I dont chew my food well enough. It's like its stuck or something. When that happens to me, I just run to the bathroom and get rid of it. Maybe you are eating things you aren't ready to eat yet. Hope this helps. Good luck! Melanie
   — Melanie W.

February 22, 2005
Melanie - thanks for your response - but I am 3 yrs. postop and just recently began feeling this way. I have that full feeling first thing in the morning when I wake up before I eat or drink a thing.
   — TBarr

February 22, 2005
I'd speak to a GI doctor. You could have a Hiatal Hernia (hiatus hernia). It caused me to have that same feeling. Take your fingers down the middle of your chest until you come to the spot where you no longer feel bone. Take your first three fingers from both hands and press in and down. Do you feel a difference in your throat? If so, this is probably it. If not, you should still speak to a GI doctor just to make sure. Good Luck!!!
   — Renee B.

February 22, 2005
Hi Tana-- I am 5 weeks out & I get the same thing. I recently read that this happens when you're full, BUT I get that feeling at times when I've had nothing in a couple of hours. I am curious to see what others think. It does go away after a while, so I don't think it is a major problem. Angela in Cali

February 22, 2005
I had that problem for a very long time. No one could seem to give me any answers. I was told I was eating too fast, having too large a bite, overeating, etc. etc. I remember all I could do was swallow and swallow until I couldn't stand it any longer then I'd have to go to the bathroom and get rid of the feeling. I finally decided to go to my regular GI doc and he explored many things -- Irritable Bowel Syndrome was one thing, had many tests -- found stomach was taking an extremely long time to empty, thus the feeling of being full all the time. After an EGD it was determined that the stoma had closed up. The doc could hardly get the tip of the scope into the opening. Had to have the opening stretched -- found immediate relief for about 4 weeks. Then had to have a repeat and have been fine for months now. I would suggest that you see at GI doc and get to the bottom of this and not suffer for months like I did. Read my profile, it might give you some insight into the problem. Good luck! Brenda
   — Brenda D.

February 22, 2005
I had that problem for a very long time. No one could seem to give me any answers. I was told I was eating too fast, having too large a bite, overeating, etc. etc. I remember all I could do was swallow and swallow until I couldn't stand it any longer then I'd have to go to the bathroom and get rid of the feeling. I finally decided to go to my regular GI doc and he explored many things -- Irritable Bowel Syndrome was one thing, had many tests -- found stomach was taking an extremely long time to empty, thus the feeling of being full all the time. After an EGD it was determined that the stoma had closed up. The doc could hardly get the tip of the scope into the opening. Had to have the opening stretched -- found immediate relief for about 4 weeks. Then had to have a repeat and have been fine for months now. I would suggest that you see at GI doc and get to the bottom of this and not suffer for months like I did. Read my profile, it might give you some insight into the problem. Good luck! Brenda
   — Brenda D.

February 22, 2005
I don't know how it is with other posties, but I don't have any warning signs that I'm getting full until I take one bite too many and then I get that painfully full feeling. Some foods I can eat what seems like large amounts of. Other foods I can only eat a few bites and then I'm full. I usually have to lay down and rest until the feeling passes. But you mentioned that you're feeling this way upon getting up, so I'm suspecting that you could have some type of reflux problem or something going on. If I was you, I'd go see the surgeon and let them have it checked out. After all, they're the expert. All we can do is speculate. You need a doctor to figure this out.
   — SnowWhiteDove459

February 23, 2005
This sounds all too familiar to me! I'd say you have a stricture (stoma narrowing). I've had mine dilated 5 times now (20 months post-op). If it's too far closed, it may take more than one procedure to get it back to normal. Call your surgeon! I've had it so often that I no longer have to go through my surgeon, I just call the GI specialist. You'll feel better once you get in and have it fixed! Good luck!
   — robynl

February 23, 2005
I have had the very same problem. I have even been vomiting with the first solid food of the day. I am 10 weeks out & this has been happening for about 2 weeks. I finally went to my doctor yesterday & I had an upper GI today to check for a stricture. Luckily every thing was open!!! Yippee. It was very interesting though--- My stomach is smaller than my esophagus & intestines. Weird huh? I think that i must have caught a mild stomach virus or something. I would definitely call your surgeon & see if you have something else wrong. Good Luck!! Sheryn 348/271/goal 180
   — sheryn

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