Anyone try Essure permanent birth control?

Post op 12/8/04 looking for different form of birth control. I'm currently on the pill but the doc had said it is less effective since the stomach doesn't absorb like it use to. I didn't have wls to become pregnant later. Is there anyone who has tried this yet? I don't want to be bothered with picking up med and taking to doctors office every month for a shot. If anyone could help it would be appreciated.    — kristiegarcia (posted on January 25, 2005)

January 25, 2005
Kristi, Most people in my community weren't even allowed to take BC because of the hormones in them. Many women I know of either us a diaphragm or condoms although neither are 100% effective
   — Tiff's On a Mission

January 25, 2005
I've never heard of Essure, so I cannot help you there. However, if you are serious about not getting pregnant ever, then get your tubes tied. It is a simple procedure and will give you as close to 100% protection as possible. Some docs will even do it under a local, so it's not necessarily a general anesthesia procedure. <Depo shots are an option and you do not get them monthly. You get them every 3 months and you don't need to see the doc. It's the nurse that administers them, so it's usually in and out quick. There is also diaphragms, IUD's, nuva ring etc. For me I wanted to make absolutely sure pregnancy wasn't in my future so I have continued with the Depo Shots I have been on since 1995 and I got my tubes tied. I need the hormones in the shots to keep my body happy as it's never worked right when it comes to female stuff. For me just being on Depo wasn't guarantee enough for me. Can you say paranoid! I was. At 43, a baby was not in my future. It has worked out well because I ended up getting married at 43 and now have a 4-1/2 yr old step son. So I am blessed with a child in my life anyway, and I didn't have to live through the diapers etc. LOL
   — zoedogcbr

January 25, 2005
I am using "the patch" now...Ortho-Evra...I love it. Hormones are absorbed through the skin...doesn't have the absorption problem of the pill post op. I am 35; almost 36, and I don't want any more kids, but I am not ready to take the surgical approach to birth control yet. Good Luck!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

January 25, 2005
Hi! I have used the "patch" for hormone control(post hysto) and it's fantastic!!!! I was a pill user for years and would have loved to use the patch! My daughter-in-law is using it, she's a soldier, and it is so conveinent for her. Try it and see!! Maybe the Dr. can give you a sample pack to try(ask! they give them to the Drs. for this reason!!) Good luck Janee
   — janee C.

January 25, 2005
I did a lot of research on BC methods after WLS. In the end, I also decided on the patch (Ortho Evra). Let me offer this word of caution though....studies have shown that the patch is not as effective if you weigh over 185. You may want to research that aspect prior to relying solely on the patch as BC. I ended up only using the patch for one month. The hormones turned me into the meanest, most hateful person! I literally became a raging monster for 3 straight weeks (my poor children!). Don't worry though because that is not the norm. I know plenty of people using the patch now and they didn't get mean at all. Good luck! Michelle :) -126
   — Michelle_S

January 26, 2005
I've looked into various BC methods too, and decided to go with the IUD. They are safe, *very* effective, last for up to ten years, and don't require monthly shots, patches, pills or anything.
   — Jenny B.

January 26, 2005
essure is a form of permanent sterilization. It is basically little plugs placed in your fallopian tubes. It is not reversible. It is a one time procedure.
   — **willow**

January 26, 2005
I haven't heard of essure, but I have just recently switched myself. I was thinking of trying the birth control patch but my ob/gyn told me that it is not recommended for women over 200 lbs due to the absorbtion rate. So he recommended the Nuvaring. It is a 2" jelly ring that you insert into the vagina. It stays in for 3 weeks then you remove it, go a week free (period week), then insert a new one. At first I thought that it was pretty freaky, but he talked me into trying it for a month and see how I likeed it. To tell you the truth, I LOVE IT. You don't have to worrying about taking a pill everyday, or getting a shot every three months. You and your partner won't even know that it's there. They have a website if you want more information or talk to your gyn. If I can help w/ any questions feel free to e-mail me.
   — essie13

January 26, 2005
My Gyno recently changed me from the pill to the patch... I am not under 200 yet but she felt I am close enough (204.5) I also asked several from another board I post on and some were well over 240 and had no problems whatsoever. I had some MAJOR irregular periods since surgery so she felt that I wasn't absorbing the pill like I should. Good Luck!! Tracy
   — Tracy P.

January 26, 2005
I have been on the patch since my surgery date in September. I started out at a little over 300. I love the patch, I would strongly recommend it. It is so much easier than the pill. You only have to think about it once a week. Good luck!
   — Christine M.

January 29, 2005
i've not tried that one, but about 6 mos ago, my doc started me on the nuvo ring. it's wonderful!! it is a smaller does of horemones, but becasue of where it's located, your body absorbs it better. the patch is good also, but i like the ring better becasue i can put it in for 3 weeks, forget about it, take it out for a week, then start over. also, with the patch, if you weigh more than 197, it is not as effective. with the ring, it doens't matter... 20 mos out, down 120 lbs
   — mellyhudel

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