Has anyone taken Fosamax or Actonel due to bone loss?

I just got the results from my bone density scan. Horror of horrors! I am verging on osteoporosis. I see my doctor later this week to discuss therapy options. I was wondering if anyone has taken either of these meds and, if so, what insight they might offer.    — ZaZa F. (posted on December 7, 2004)

December 7, 2004
You didn't mention what your calcium taking habits have been. Could you elaborate for those new post-ops? If you are "on-the-verge" of it I would think boosting your calcium citrate would help. If your doctor is recommending the other supplements...then by all means take it. Can't hurt! Sorry I wasn't more help...
   — Patty.W

December 7, 2004
By the time I got my results, I was on the other side of the verge. I was a faithful milk drinker and calcium carbonate taker. So much for marketing. Since then, I have steadily iproved my bone density with lots of calcium citrate, holding my vit D levels up (dry form D) and using Miacalcin for awhile. I started taking Actonel (the gentler of the 2 on the GI system) 1/1/04 and showed marked improvement this year at the 11 month mark. My husband has moved completely out of osteopenia (good side of "the verge") range and into normal within the same 5 yrs. Being a man, tall, and one less year doing all the wrong things, he recovered better. We still work diligently to hold our PTH levels down and vit D levels up, as well as serum CA. I take the Actonel 35mg weekly
   — vitalady

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