Has anyone had surgery from Dr. Murr?

I have an appointment for my pych eval, nutritionist & to get my clearance for surgery. Dr. Murr sends his pts to Spectra Healthcare...I would like to know what kind of questions the pych asks. I have to pay out of pocket for these tests & I don't want to screw it up.    — yellow T. (posted on November 8, 2004)

November 8, 2004
Most generally get about a 300 question test that basically asks about five questions in 10 differant ways 1. do you ever think about suicide 2. do you ever think about killing others 3. do feel like everyone is against you 4. do you not like being arround other people 5. do you feel alone There are more but it is no biggy they really just want to know if You are mentally capable of understanding that this is a life changing surgery and it takes life long commitment to vitamens and can You handle the changes. Best Wishes
   — Shell G

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