How can somebody who is broke get major reconstructive surgery???

I had the RNY done in September of 2002. I have lost nearly 180lbs and I am very happy with the loss, however, I am looking like a freak show. I am wobbling all over the place. I am in a deep depression because of it. I have come to a point where if I don't get these surgeries done, I would rather be dead than have to look at myself this way. I don't have any insurance and can't afford to pay for it either. I have been quoted and it will cost $30,000 or more to get my whole body done. Please somebody give me an idea of how somebody in my situation can come up with a way to pay for this? I am so desperate. My e-mail is [email protected]    — Samar M. (posted on October 7, 2004)

October 7, 2004
Check out Capitol One.. they have a plastic surgery credit plan. In addition to THAT I would seriously 'look' for a new job that covers ps.. MOST insurances pay for TT and breast reductions/lift.. so that would at least get those out of the way; leaving you only the thighs/arms
   — star .

October 7, 2004
If you do not have insurance how was you able to pay for WLS? and theirare different placesyou can get a loan for PS and some drs might even take paments you could have yard sale I had one just last wk end and I live way out in the sticks and slod 152.00 dollars worth of stuff you could pawn stuff have a bake sale at your yard sale if your are spending for things you dont realy need such as eating out or going to movies you can stop doing that to save money was not able to look at your profiel so dont know nothing about what all is going on but when I need money that is some things I have done Take Care Huggs
   — wildbrat

October 7, 2004
I have heard of people going to Mexico or South America for plastics. Even after you purchase your tickets and pay for hotel charges, it's still cheaper and the results are just as good. Honestly though, most of the people I know are either able to get it covered through insurance, or they take out 2nd mortgages, or just save for a couple of years until they can afford it. Can you do each surgery separate so it's not all being done at once, maybe just get a TT first and then save for the next procedure? Another option is writing those reality shows like Extreme Makeover. I wish you luck and hope you can have the surgery you need and want. Best wishes!
   — Shayna T.

October 7, 2004
I am with another poster, who paid for your WLS? If your insurance company paid, you need to try them for your reconstructive surgeries. Go to web sites for ps that are in Costa Reco, they may be cheeper.
   — cindy

October 7, 2004
as previously said, try your insurance company if you have one. I figured I had nothing to lose by asking and they did pay part of it. For the rest, I have worked an extra 253 hours this year so far to pay for it. and will continue to work extra to finish paying and to get the rest done that I want. Also , some surgeons will negotiate prices. I ended up paying significantly less than What I would have spent going to Costa rica, Lower body lift and arms came to a total of $8700. I only paid part because my insurance covered my tummy. It would have been about $11 - 12,000 in Costa Rica. and travel expenses. I have a very experienced, board certified plastic surgeon and knew people who had work I could view done by him. Then I got to go home afterward and sleep in my own bed, No language barriers, or concerns about what to do if I had complication in a country where they might not even have even simple antibiotics available. Where there is a will there is a way. look for a second job or overtime where you work now. It is soooo very worth it.
   — **willow**

October 7, 2004
I wish doctor who conduct bypass surgery explain to future patients that skin removal does not go hand in hand. That insurance companies cover bypass surgery for health reasons but the skin is cosmetic and may not be covered. That if you need skin removal to start putting money on the side because you may have to pay some or all of the expense. I know of several people who have lost 200 plus and have decide to forgo the skin removal part. I would first take care of the depression. You need to be ok with your current body and image before you move to the next phase. Depression could be used to have the skin removal. I would have your doctors start documenting this. Also, as stated by others. Who paid for the bypass surgery?
   — Linda R.

October 8, 2004
some people work two or three jobs and set money aside especially for this purpose.
   — Delores S.

October 9, 2004
I would not consider going to another country for plastic surgery, even if the cost is considerably less. Plastic surgery can be very dangerous, and shouldn't be taken lightly, even if it is needed badly. All of us need to find the best plastic surgeons there are. You need to live close to the surgeon if their are complications. People don't realize that bad surgery can make you more deformed than you were before you had it. There are also people who die from plastic surgery. That is why you need to find the best surgeon there is. They should have several licenses within the plastic surgery community (yes, with the licenses comes more expense, but better surgery). Many of the surgeons in Mexico, Costa Rica, ect. do not have these credentials/licenses. This is why they are cheaper, and more likely to cause permanent damage or even death. I also have skin sagging everywhere, and most likely will not have a means to pay for it either. However, I look great, and there a lot of undergarments that work wonders. I would also seek help for your depression and body image. Good Luck!
   — Jane T.

October 9, 2004
A lot of good suggestions here. Financing, savings, and a job with insurance are solultions. Remember that most patients do the surgery in stages, over time. Let me also suggest a support group so you can realize that you are not the only person with these issues. I would also want to be sure that your depression were treated and that your expectations were realistic before planning ANY kind of plastic surgery. The body image issues you are having are normal, and usually improve with time and help.
   — DrL

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