What does a hernia that has ruptured feel like?

Yesterday and then again today, I saw two my Drs to prepare for my surgery next Wed. I'll be having hernia repair, brest implants and a TT. Since they have been messing with my stomach I have started to hurt where the hernia is. I've had no trouble with it ever before. Any way, could it possibly have ruptured or just been a liitle overowrked with all the touchy feely by the Drs? And Has avyone every experienced a rupture and what are the symptoms and feeling? Thanks.    — Tammara D. (posted on September 1, 2004)

August 31, 2004
I forgot to state that I have had my gallbladder removed years ago so I know it's not that.
   — Tammara D.

September 1, 2004
I tell you, when my hernia finally blew, it was no fun! It was very painful. I had these persistent cramps and spasms. The hernia would roll in and out.. I was first diagnosed with it at 3 months post Open RNY. It did not start to bother me till I was about 16 months postop. I was able to hold off having it repaired until my tummy tuck when I was 18 months postop but it was a challenge. My surgeon basically had me wearing a binder. I had to stop working out and I was taking Roxicet (pain medication) to alleviate the pain. I was thankful that I was able to hold off till I could have the hernia and tummy tuck done at the same time. My hernia exploded to the point that whenver I would eat, my entire intestine would pop out and I had to force it back in. I looked about 8 months pregnant. It was awful!! Good luck! And have it repaired if it starts to bother you a lot. Youb don't want to end up with a strangulation!! Hugs, Kathie in Hawaii
   — KathieInHawaii

September 5, 2004
Poking and prodding can make your hernia feel worse. I just had the surgery on the second. But it just sounds like you were sore from being prodded. <P> Hugs,<br> Tracy
   — Tracydarlin

September 5, 2004
Hi. My hernia ruptured slowly and the only pain was from the infection the leak causes. It was like sunburn on my belly. The real symptom of the rupture was when poop was coming out of my belly button. It really didn't hurt though. I never thought of that til now. Wierd. It was a small hernia. My doctor said the large hernias have less chance of rupture. The intestines going in and out like the previous poster talked about is not a rupture, that is simply what a hernia is/does. The pain you have is most likely from the manipulation by the doctors. Good luck on your surgery. I have hernia surgery scheduled for Oct. 18th. I now have 2 hernias. When they fixed the ruptured one they couldn't close it good because of the contamination and increased chance of infection. I figure after all that, this repair should be easy. Hope I'm right!
   — catleth

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