Hospital Stay hernia Abdominoplasty breast lift with implants

On Sept 8 I will be having a hernia repair/Abdominoplasty/ and breast lift with implants inserted. I have wondered what the usual time for being in the hospital following all this work will be. My Dr had told me i would be in till the next day but when I went for my pre-op visit, the nurse said I will probably go home that afternoon. Surgery is scheduled for around 5:00 am. I do plan to call and speak with the Dr but I was wondering about others experiences. Also, I'm really scared because about 2 weeks after my bypass I developed a clot and was on Coumadin for 9 months. I was up walking and following all the rules and actually thought I had a charlie horse from walking so much. Should I be this scared and has anyone else had PS after having a clot? Also I just wanted to say how I love this site and all the very helpful answers that everyone comes up with. Soon I'll have to do a profile with pics. Thanks. Tammara 4/8/03 245/125    — Tammara D. (posted on August 30, 2004)

August 29, 2004
I was in hosp over night when I had my hernia repair TT done I wish I could have had a boob job also cause I have none left just skin their now Take Care Huggs Beth
   — wildbrat

August 30, 2004
I just had a tt with hernia repair and muscle tightenng, and was scheduled for a breast reduction at the same time, but the doc decided 8 plus hours on the table was too long, so I will have the breast reduction next month. I stayed overnight and left with 2 drains. good luck
   — wizz40

August 30, 2004
I can't answer about the clot. But, home the same day seems pretty quick after all that surgery. I had hernia repair (albeit a very small one), extended abdominoplasty, brachioplasty and skin removed from the sides of my breasts all at once (scheduled for 8 hours, took 6 1/2). That's a somewhat different mix than you're having, but I had surgery at 10:00 Thursday morning and stayed in the hospital until early afternoon on Sunday. The absolute earliest I could have entertained going home was late Saturday, but I was glad to have until Sunday--insurance actually approved to Monday. Now, my case may be complicated by having both the abdominoplasty and the arms done together. That makes it a bit hard to get up and down in chairs and into/out of bed. I also had seven drains, and so the risk of infection was greater. You may not need as much time as I had, but I cannot imagine going home the same day.
   — Vespa R.

August 30, 2004
I had an extended abdominoplasty, lipo on my abdomen, inner and outer thighs and breast lift with implants 3 weeks ago today. I staying in a nearby hotel overnight because i live 1 1/2 hours away. It worked out fine and saved me a bundle since I was self pay. The Dr. said the only real reason for a hospital stay was for pain control, but the meds he gave me were adequate. I found that staying in the hotel was better for me, because it was quiet compared to a hospital and I could actually sleep. Good luck in your journey! Melissa 264/155/132 below goal!
   — missysworld

August 30, 2004
I went in for an abdominoplasty and hernia repair. Turns out there was no hernia, just extremely loose muscles. I was told I was going home the same day, but I was not taken til 1 PM, and was in for 3 1/2 hours. By the time I was out of recovery, it was well into the evening and I stayed over. I was then very dizzy with low blood pressure from the demerol, so they had to keep me a second night. No way could I have gone home the same day. I am also very glad the surgery was in a hospital and not in a Drs. private surgical suite.
   — Fixnmyself

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