Does anyone have a constant stitch/pain 2 years post op?

Hello everyone, I am almost two years out (November) and have a constant stitch (the only way I can describe it) on both sides. It is between my rib cage and hip bones. It only hurts when standing, walking, or sitting up straight (feels better hunched over which is not good for the posture!!!). Wierd, I know... Has anyone else had this problem? I was diagnosed with a small hernia a year ago, and it gives me trouble sometimes, do you think this could be something radiating from that? Also, has anyone else developed food sensitivities this far out? All of a sudden my staples are making me sick!!! Namely peanut butter, cheese, carnation instant breakfast, cold cuts, raw veggies... I truly appreciate all of your responses, Thanks!!!    — Stacy T. (posted on August 17, 2004)

August 17, 2004
Stacy, I am 3 years post-op (this Saturday) and I have constant pulling and stretching on all of my incisions, I usually sleep with a heating pad and it helps the following day when I do this. Hope this helps. ~Laura~
   — laurac82101

August 18, 2004
When in doubt, go see the doctor. Anything dealing with pain should be seen by the doctor.
   — Tracydarlin

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